My mother tells me that my preschool teachers used to tell her that they were certain that I would grow up to be a writer. They said that I had a very active imagination. They were right, I did and still do have a very active imagination.
I dream in bright colors and crystal clear images. I see movies play in my mind and wonder why I can’t turn them into reality. I am not Walter Mitty, although I suppose that we share some traits. I am a dreamer but I am not someone who intentionally misleads other into believing that I am someone other than who I am.
I dream about writing books and becoming a published author. I dream about becoming a columnist and writing screenplays. I dream about becoming a doctor, a scientist and a teacher. I dream about playing left field for the Dodgers and power forward for the Lakers.
I dream about building a castle and manning the walls. I dream about traveling around the world and quiet moments at home. I dream about places and things that make me smile. I dream about MLBF and having a home library. A place with built in shelves and big overstuffed chairs.
I dream about owning a private jet and island getaways. I dream about living out the stories and promises and whispers of the night. I dream about that kiss and the moments in time. I dream about walking those roads in Jerusalem again.
I dream about doing the Ironman and the incredible amount of work it will take to get there. I dream about carving and reshaping my body so that it once again looks as I remember it.
I dream about many years from now when my children are grown and wonder if the visions I see will resemble reality. I dream of long walks on the beach and quiet drives up the coast.
I dream about writing songs and playing music. And sometimes I dream about being granted the talent and ability to perform them.
I have many dreams, far more than I have shared here. There are endless details that I could list but haven’t. Some of these dreams will become reality and others will remain unfilled. The ultimate goal is to see that I don’t look back in regret. I don’t want to have a life that ends in I could have but didn’t.
I want a life that is more than that. It is not to much too ask for. I may dream big, but I am willing to do things to make them into something more.
This might be a favorite post of the 20 or so I have read of yours. I loved the very last line the best.
Keep it going and keep those dreams big!
Thank you. That last line is key. We have to be our own advocates. If you are not willing to work hard to get what you want than maybe it is not something we deserve to get.
I love this too. I am a dreamer. I dream of many things. I am constantly dreaming.
Hi Sam,
I have always thought that the best writers are people who have vivid dreams. Don’t know that, but it makes sense to me.
More and more, I’m determined to do what I dream, for exactly the reason you state. The regret later on from not-doing would kill me.
Hi Jessie,
That is key to me, following our dreams and chasing down the opportunities.
I share a lot of those dreams. One of the latest came the other night when friends of mine (Most from Chicago’s Second City) all did an improve Karioke night and they were brilliant. I dream of being that quick and confident!
That sounds like a fun night. Although I can recall a couple Karaoke experiences that were…painful. ;D
I, too, dream a lot. It’s kind of a bane for me sometimes. I fear that I will dream too much and act too little. Maybe I won’t have the time to complete…
Maybe I worry more than dream. I don’t know. (I’m also very impatient in many situations. That doesn’t help things, lol)
Nice post though!
Hi Brandon,
I work hard to balance the action versus dream part of life. Sometimes I think that I need to push harder on the action part.
I hear you about being impatient, I am too.
Loved this post – I dream of finishing my novel and moving to a farm.
Hi Kelly,
That sounds like a great dream.
Keep dreaming, my friend and one day, all of your dreams will come true.
Another wonderfully written post – you helped me find the memory for the latest Red Writing Hood prompt.
I’m loving your posts more and more.. hard not to after “I Hear Music”.
I appreciate the kind words.
Isn’t Carina wonderful? And Jacqui ain’t half-bad herself.
From one dreamer to another…I loved this post!
Thank you!