A few days ago I sat on the phone with my grandfather and listened to him talk about my grandmother. Slowly the talk turned to how much he missed her and I felt very badly as I heard him begin to choke up. He misses her terribly and hopes that she recognized how much she meant to him.
So grandma, if by some chance you are out there, somewhere and you can find some way to let grandpa know, please do it. We all miss you, but he lost the love of his life and that is something a little bit different.
And thank you again for everything, your great grandchildren still talk about your 75th anniversary party and watching you dance with grandpa. For a brief moment they got a glimpse of my grandparents and understood how very active and full of life you were.
Got to go now, it is time for me take off the grandson hat and go be dad again.
“You were the love
for certain of my life
you were simply my beloved wife
I don’t know for certain
how I’ll live my life
now alone without my beloved wife
my beloved wife
I can’t believe
I’ve lost the very best of me
you were the love
for certain of my life
you were simply my beloved wife
I don’t know for certain
how I’ll live my life
now alone without my beloved wife
my beloved wife
I can’t believe
I’ve lost the very best of me
you were the love
for certain of my life
for 50 years simply my beloved wife
with another love I’ll never lie again
it’s you I can’t deny
it’s you I can’t defy
a depth so deep
into my grief
without my beloved soul
I renounce my life
as my right
now alone without my beloved wife
my beloved wife
my beloved wife
my love is gone she suffered long
in hours of pain
my love is gone
now my suffering begins
my love is gone
would it be wrong if I should
surrender all the joy in my life
go with her tonight?
my love is gone she suffered long
in hours of pain
my love is gone
would it be wrong if I should
just turn my face away from the light
go with her tonight?”
Beloved Wife– Natalie Merchant
LL, Thank you. I told my grandfather something similar.
My recent post She Is My Girl
This brought tears to my eyes. Jack, she is there, in olam habah, listening. I am sure of it.
My recent post Motzai Shabbat- and an Ending
it is my pleasure.
My recent post She Is My Girl
He sounds like someone special.
My recent post She Is My Girl
Amazing song. Thanks so much for sharing this story.
My recent post Where the Hell is Our Cereal and Sports
Wow, powerful lyrics. I need to check out that song. I had a special uncle who has since passed but I'd had many late night conversations with him about how he felt about losing my aunt. Their love was a great inspiration to me.