Here is a short spin from around the dad blogosphere:
Aaron wrote a post called Dad Strikes Out that resonated with me. He writes about self doubt, insecurity and how a lack of confidence has at times made life more challenging for him. I think that he touches upon something that many of us have felt. And because we are friends I want to offer an immediate solution that will help to eliminate some of his concerns. Stop rooting for losers. Everyone knows that the Red Sox, Patriots and celtics are losers and that you have to be mentally ill to support them. C’mon Aaron, you didn’t think that I would let that opportunity pass me by, did you. 😉
Perhaps the most virile of dad bloggers is the inimitable John Cave Osborne who shared a post about Blogging and the Grateful Dead Economy. A few years into the game he airs out some thoughts about what he has learned, where he is going and what he wants as a writer.
If you haven’t taken time to read Always Jacked you are missing out. Alan doesn’t blog as often as I would like but by my personal standards most bloggers are practically dead. He shares some nice thoughts and worthwhile considerations in the post that I have linked to about trading places with his wife and what parenting means.
The boys at DadWagon are an interesting group of fellas who come up with all sorts of different types of posts such as Russians who swing their babies in circles. Not kidding on that, go find the link. They also have posts where they talk about whether a reporter who is also a parent should place themselves in danger so that they can write a story.
If you want to learn more about why I say the dad bloggers are about to overthrow the mommy blogger cartel you need to go visit Clark Kent’s Lunchbox. It is chock full of good stuff.
I really enjoyed BackPacking Dad’s post: How I Will and Will Not Participate in the Business of Blogging. It is worth reading, go take a look.
Want to know more about what the dads did at the Mom 2.o Summit? Go read Whit’s review at DadCentric.
Work calls and I have to get back to doing things that pay the bills but before I go here is a shout out to Thoughtful Pop, Lick The Fridge and Fatherfolk.
By no means is that a complete list of dad bloggers or anything close to it. But in a prior post I wrote about trying to spread the love among the blogosphere so I am trying to do my part.
Jared from Lick the Fridge already used this week’s linkup at the fringe to promote Thoughtful Pop. You are welcome to do the same for some of the smaller dad blogs you mention here. The link is below.
That Jared guy gets around, doesn’t he. 😉 Good man there, I like him.