My 11 year-old nephew has discovered girls. I think that it is kind of funny to say that he discovered them because it is a little bit like saying Columbus discovered America. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. It reminds me of Brandi Knox. When we started the summer break between 7th and 8th grade she didn’t look any different from any of us boys. But that magical thing called puberty kicked in over the summer and she came back to school with a chest that made the teachers jealous.
Ok, that might be an exaggeration. It is almost 30 years and my memory is a little fuzzy in that area. All I know is that not only did she suddenly have curves that hadn’t previously existed she smelled really good too. For all I know I am the one who changed and not her. Puberty does funny things to kids.
I did tell my sister that I thought that it was all pretty funny to know that she is old enough to have a son who likes girls. Not so sure that she appreciated hearing that. She turned 40 this year and is adjusting to being really, really old. Say, can you tell that I am an older brother.
Gini Dietrich complained that she had nothing to write about and then tore off a post that generated almost 300 comments. Actually the post is just short of 250 comments but I wanted to try to protect my accuracy just in case there is a rush on commenting on it. Between Ingrid, Bill and Davina anything is possible.
Superman and I are making a push to make Odd Dad Out into a rising superstar. Even though Father’s Day is coming I suggest that some of you check out Jessica’s jewelry giveaway. Speaking of women, if you are of childbearing age you might want to stay away from John, one of the most virile bloggers on the planet. But I should add that he is one of the best, a very fine man who I am glad is a friend.
Speaking of nut jobs from around the Dad blogosphere my buddy Aaron is right up there. He is a rabid fan of teams like the celtics (no caps for those bastards), the Sox and the Patriots. That makes him a degenerate who is in need of a severe beating and perhaps a lobotomy but he is also one of the good guys. Part of the reason why I was so disappointed to see the Lakers and celtics miss a chance for a rematch was because I was looking forward to busting his balls over it. There is real joy in going at it with those celtic degenerates and more importantly, he is a good guy.
Since we are on this impromptu tour you might want to go see JR who is running a contest to pick up one of Jim Higley’s books. Both are good men.
Let’s shift gears and talk about…me. Yeah, what about me. Well, we shall talk about my About page and my AboutMe page where I threaten to put a bullet between Bambi’s eyes. Part of blogging involves promoting yourself. Or maybe it is more accurate to say that if you want to monetize your blog or use it to generate money making opportunities than you have to figure out how to let people know who you are and why they should read you.
My pages aren’t bad but they aren’t great either. They need to be tweaked to better showcase my abilities and to let people know a little bit more about what to expect here. And that reminds me that I would love for you to join me on Facebook and become a Fan of TheJackB.
Again there are no decoder rings, no signed 8×10 glossies or any benefits other than being kept abreast of the developments here. Really it is just me asking for you to help me convince more companies to spend money with me so that I can get more toys like an iPad2 or pay for little things like tuition.
So let’s recap, 1ooo points of light, stay the course, a 1,000 points of light..stay the course.
P.S. Should anyone from high school be reading this let me remind you that I founded the Apathy Club. It was funny because no one showed up for meetings. It wasn’t funny when you knuckleheads stole my idea and took a picture of yourselves sleeping and put it in the yearbook. One day you’ll pay for that. Really, you’ll wake up and find rabid squirrels in your trousers…
Money is cool, if I ask for it in my ‘about me’ page think I will find out how strong my ‘community’ really is?
I have been known to carpet bomb a post or two. Usually as time permits but I was told it gets you frequent flyer points or something.
I’ve seen you crank out some really good stuff and if I only engaged with one or two people and had plenty of time I could spend an hour to two at your place alone. HOWEVER, being the social critter that I am I get kinda antsy.
I will support you any way I can so just point me in the right direction.
Good comments can make an average post into something more, which is why good commenters receive frequent flier points and Blue Chip stamps.
Only the best for commenters.
As for here, well don’t worry about how often you swing by. I don’t keep a scorecard and am appreciative whenever you and others choose to comment.
Money is cool, if I ask for it in my ‘about me’ page think I will find out how strong my ‘community’ really is?
I have been known to carpet bomb a post or two. Usually as time permits but I was told it gets you frequent flyer points or something.
I’ve seen you crank out some really good stuff and if I only engaged with one or two people and had plenty of time I could spend an hour to two at your place alone. HOWEVER, being the social critter that I am I get kinda antsy.
I will support you any way I can so just point me in the right direction.
Good comments can make an average post into something more, which is why good commenters receive frequent flier points and Blue Chip stamps.
Only the best for commenters.
As for here, well don’t worry about how often you swing by. I don’t keep a scorecard and am appreciative whenever you and others choose to comment.
G’Day Jack,
 I’m reminded of that great quote of Mark Twain; “It aint what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just aint so.”
’nuff sed.
@3884c43f625610ab1bb99b677867ea2a:disqus Was there anyone smarter or wittier than Twain- I don’t know. But I do know that he is one of my favorites. So very sharp.
G’Day Jack,
 I’m reminded of that great quote of Mark Twain; “It aint what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just aint so.”
’nuff sed.
@3884c43f625610ab1bb99b677867ea2a:disqus Was there anyone smarter or wittier than Twain- I don’t know. But I do know that he is one of my favorites. So very sharp.
Hey Jack!
My younger brothers give me grief all the time. Like turning
40? I beat them to it. And even when I give it back to them when they reach
those milestones, I’m STILL older. That’s a battle I’ll never win.
Loved the random tour around the blogosphere. Thanks for
Already a fan,
@034ec3bab3ff56041093d5348bcff9a4:disqus Theresa, thanks for coming by, I really appreciate it. I have to laugh at your comment about brothers. My little sister says that  I smile every time she tells me a story about how my nephews tease my niece.
I can’t say whether it is true or not, but I do know that a brother’s job is keep his sisters in line. 😉
Hey Jack!
My younger brothers give me grief all the time. Like turning
40? I beat them to it. And even when I give it back to them when they reach
those milestones, I’m STILL older. That’s a battle I’ll never win.
Loved the random tour around the blogosphere. Thanks for
Already a fan,
@034ec3bab3ff56041093d5348bcff9a4:disqus Theresa, thanks for coming by, I really appreciate it. I have to laugh at your comment about brothers. My little sister says that  I smile every time she tells me a story about how my nephews tease my niece.
I can’t say whether it is true or not, but I do know that a brother’s job is keep his sisters in line. 😉
LOL, you founded the Apathy Club and “no one showed up for meetings.” You crack me up Jack!
@twitter-228904159:disqus Lori, you got it. I would have been upset if anyone had cared enough to show up. 😉
LOL, you founded the Apathy Club and “no one showed up for meetings.” You crack me up Jack!
@twitter-228904159:disqus Lori, you got it. I would have been upset if anyone had cared enough to show up. 😉
Wow…. Lots of promotion going on today. It’s ‘sell a friend a blog day’ or something.Â
Also, that last threat was very nicely thrown in there, but I thought Ninja Dog was taking care of your gangsta squirrels. I guess all that wax on, wax off didn’t work.Â
@google-ce6b1f8ea80af2ee7554d4638a53329c:disqus Sometimes I like to try and give back and help other bloggers with their promotions. Some of them are far bigger than I am and some smaller.
I just like sharing.
Wow…. Lots of promotion going on today. It’s ‘sell a friend a blog day’ or something.Â
Also, that last threat was very nicely thrown in there, but I thought Ninja Dog was taking care of your gangsta squirrels. I guess all that wax on, wax off didn’t work.Â
@google-ce6b1f8ea80af2ee7554d4638a53329c:disqus Sometimes I like to try and give back and help other bloggers with their promotions. Some of them are far bigger than I am and some smaller.
I just like sharing.
Ya know, you guys just crack me up. I came onto this crazy (new for me) scene in February this year and most days I just can’t keep up! Between HubSpot and those you did mention along with a few MORE (!), and my kiddos along with the business, I am no longer worried about being “Special Ed,” I’m just plain too busy! I learn so much from each of you. (Thank you) I can’t wait to go see what you did to poor Bambi (you should visit our site to see how absolutely-snorting-laugh THAT was!)! My son did the same, at 11! He turned into a big turd, too! I guess I see the past when I look his way, (and GOD, it sucked!) but we do get through it, one way or another. I’m going to dig around here for awhile, if you don’t mind. Take care. ~Alaska Chick
Welcome to the blog and blogging. The blogosphere is a wacky place filled with some of the craziest and best people that you could ever find.
My sister was giving me grief because my son is just a few months younger than my nephew. She tells me that I should expect the same from him any time now.
I laughed ‘cuz it doesn’t bother me besides I understand boys. We make sense. 😉 Make yourself at home and I hope to see you around here soon.
Ya know, you guys just crack me up. I came onto this crazy (new for me) scene in February this year and most days I just can’t keep up! Between HubSpot and those you did mention along with a few MORE (!), and my kiddos along with the business, I am no longer worried about being “Special Ed,” I’m just plain too busy! I learn so much from each of you. (Thank you) I can’t wait to go see what you did to poor Bambi (you should visit our site to see how absolutely-snorting-laugh THAT was!)! My son did the same, at 11! He turned into a big turd, too! I guess I see the past when I look his way, (and GOD, it sucked!) but we do get through it, one way or another. I’m going to dig around here for awhile, if you don’t mind. Take care. ~Alaska Chick
Welcome to the blog and blogging. The blogosphere is a wacky place filled with some of the craziest and best people that you could ever find.
My sister was giving me grief because my son is just a few months younger than my nephew. She tells me that I should expect the same from him any time now.
I laughed ‘cuz it doesn’t bother me besides I understand boys. We make sense. 😉 Make yourself at home and I hope to see you around here soon.
Ha! I haven’t even made it to Gini’s post today, so not guilty of any of those 300 comments. No-shows at the Apathy club meetings?! Hilarious!
Now, more than ever Jack, I know I really need to redo my website. My ‘About Me’ page, all of it I now know sticks. Nothing is there to make would-be paying clients want to support my traveling and Apple-product addictions. I’ve been letting the techno hoodoo scare me (Rapidweaver and/or WordPress) but it’s well past time to get. it. done. already. FWIW, and thanks for the mention.
@davinabrewer:disqus Wordpress is relatively easy to use- more importantly you have a lot of people who are happy to help you with it.
I use WP now for the blog, just not the whole site and theme. Pros and cons for both, I just need to decide what will be best for me, most efficient and professional; how much time and effort I’m willing to put into it, etc.Â
@davinabrewer:disqus See, now is when you need some minions to take some of the workload from you. They can handle the tedious detail work while you work on big picture stuff. 😉
Ha! I haven’t even made it to Gini’s post today, so not guilty of any of those 300 comments. No-shows at the Apathy club meetings?! Hilarious!
Now, more than ever Jack, I know I really need to redo my website. My ‘About Me’ page, all of it I now know sticks. Nothing is there to make would-be paying clients want to support my traveling and Apple-product addictions. I’ve been letting the techno hoodoo scare me (Rapidweaver and/or WordPress) but it’s well past time to get. it. done. already. FWIW, and thanks for the mention.
@davinabrewer:disqus Wordpress is relatively easy to use- more importantly you have a lot of people who are happy to help you with it.
I use WP now for the blog, just not the whole site and theme. Pros and cons for both, I just need to decide what will be best for me, most efficient and professional; how much time and effort I’m willing to put into it, etc.Â
@davinabrewer:disqus See, now is when you need some minions to take some of the workload from you. They can handle the tedious detail work while you work on big picture stuff. 😉