About Blogging
What kind of blogger are you is the kind of opening sentence that is misleading. It sounds like a question but it could also be a statement. It reminds me of an idea for a screenplay I called Hair Today that was really sort of a screwy post I wrote six years ago. Just a few lines of nonsense but the idea has stuck with me and I may yet make good upon the promise.
Back in the salad days of blogging when people passed out memes like M&Ms in a glass jar you would have seen six or more variations of this in which you would have been asked a series of questions that would lead you to some “smart” description of what kind of blogger you were/are.
Today I bring it up I was asked by someone to define what sort of blogger I am. My response to that is why do I need to do so. Would it make a difference to me or to anyone else if I said that I was an XYZ sort of blogger. I don’t think so or rather I don’t think that it matters to me so I don’t choose to do so.
I like not being stuck in one particular niche. I am a dad blogger. I blog frequently about parenting from a father’s perspective. I share stories about my children and share my fears and hopes with you. I write about being a forty-something year old man who is trying to reconcile the mental image he has of himself with what the mirror shows. Sometimes I serve as a guest blogger. Take a look a the links here to some of my work and you’ll find an assortment of posts. Some of them offer tools, tips and resources for becoming a better blogger and others talk about how I became a father. Or click on Fragments of Fiction and sift through my short stories.
If you ask me what sort of blogger I want to be I have an answer. Happy, successful and rich. That is not a shallow or soft answer. It is something that I came up with after extensive thought. There is a reason why there are posts here in which I ask what brings you joy and what brings you happiness. Success is a subjective term as is rich. What is a successful blogger? Is that someone who receives millions of comments on their posts or someone who earns enough income from their blog to support their family.
I suppose that the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. But I would add that while I very much enjoy and appreciate comments I don’t define my success based upon how many I receive on my posts, nor do I get crazy about trying to limit them to “quality” either.
My two favorite things about blogging are the people and the learning. I have met some truly wonderful folks and learned much about myself and life from this. It is a blessing.
Sometimes I like to look at my stats to see which of my posts are the most popular. It is interesting to me because you don’t always know what will hit or miss. Sometimes the post that you think is among the worst that you have written is among those that receive the most accolades and attention.
There are some things that I can predict such as blogging about blogging. Those posts always do well. Just for the hell of it I grabbed 36 popular posts to see what sort of breakdown it would show. Sure enough ten of those posts are about blogging. Another handful are about parenting/children and then comes the stuff about writing/miscellaneous posts.
What it proves to me is that my theory about building your community around you is accurate. The posts on the list do well because this is what my community expects and wants me to write about. But more importantly this is what I want to write about. This is a decent sample of what fuels my fire and what drives my passion.
If you don’t write about what you love or at least like you won’t last long. And now my friends I have to get back to work. If you are new to the blog you might be interested in reading some or all of the links there. It is good material. I wouldn’t describe it as being all inclusive of my favorite posts, but some are in there.
- Dealing With Divorce
- Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog
- The Best Cover Letter….Ever
- The Rules Of Blogging
- Facebooking Proves That Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds
- Dear Angry Blogger
- The Easiest Way To Get Comments On Your Blog
- Whiny Bloggers Quit Because It Was Work
- I Survived The Rapture & All I Got Was a T-Shirt
- What Does Your Blog Say About You
- A Letter To My Children-2011
- Dad Blogger Link Bait- The List You Wish You Were On
- 16: Moments- Our Lives Are Made Up of These
- Anger Management
- When Mean Girls Grow Up
- 100 Best Movie Lines in 200 Seconds
- A Father’s Religious Obligations
- I Wish That I Could Start Over
- This Post Requires 50 Comments…Ready…Go….
- Never Bet Against A Sicilian When Death Is On The Line
- Blogging Tips- Build Your Community Around You
- A Severe Case of Bad Blogging
- Donuts
- Do You Know What Makes You Happy?
- Profanity and Children
- Dads and Daughters
- Why Do I Blog
- Simply Awful
- Wind and Waves
- He Is Dying A Long Slow Death
- Why Must Stupidity Be Contagious
- The Best Daddy Blogger Ever
- Stupid Blog Tricks- The Difference Between The Best & Most Popular
- Opportunity Knocked But I Wasn’t Listening
- Five Minutes
- One Slightly Used Pump For Sale
I uderstand why you don’t want to define yourself as a specific type of blogger. I would describe myself as a Happiness blogger righting about anything related to being happier and finding Joy. That gives you an idea of what the blog is all about but is still a vague enough category that allows me to write about any and everything I want. Stopping by from the Reddress 🙂
@sheswrite It takes time to find your voice and as you do it is not unusual to watch your blog evolve. But the most important thing is the joy that writing and blogging provides, that is something rare, special and unique.
@sheswrite It takes time to find your voice and as you do it is not unusual to watch your blog evolve. But the most important thing is the joy that writing and blogging provides, that is something rare, special and unique.
Nice work! I am bookmarking this page. I stumbled on you at the Red Dress Club linkup. I’ve been blogging for a year and feel I’ve only scratched the surface. I’m still not sure what kind of blogger I am, I’m just writing, that’s what I know, that’s what I love is writing and blogging gives me an outlet to do that unencumbered.
@MamaRobinJ I am obviously a big fan of having varied topics to write about. I think that it really helps to keep our writing fresh and interesting.
Great summary. I’ve thought about what kind of blogger I am or want to be, partly because I started with such a specific topic but also because the things I want to write about – and have been writing about more recently – are so varied.
Interestingly enough, the topic I linked up for the TRDC weekend linkup is very similar 🙂
My first blog of any significance was a blog with a very small niche, Midwest professional wrestling. Â When I got out of the Army, I wanted to connect with something I always enjoyed. Â Pro wrestling fit the bill. Though that blog did well and attracted me attention, the blog itself didn’t make me rich. Â It made me successful, though. Â Through it I became a ring announcer, connected with top level pro wrestlers, and put on my own legitimate wrestling shows. Â
Now I write about being a dad and other randomness. Â To tell you the truth, I don’t have a clue what kind of blogger that makes me! Â :O)
My first blog of any significance was a blog with a very small niche, Midwest professional wrestling. Â When I got out of the Army, I wanted to connect with something I always enjoyed. Â Pro wrestling fit the bill. Though that blog did well and attracted me attention, the blog itself didn’t make me rich. Â It made me successful, though. Â Through it I became a ring announcer, connected with top level pro wrestlers, and put on my own legitimate wrestling shows. Â
Now I write about being a dad and other randomness. Â To tell you the truth, I don’t have a clue what kind of blogger that makes me! Â :O)
I stopped by for a quick look and stayed for 30 minutes.Â
I started blogging because my 5 children were driving me nuts and I needed to tell somebody about it. Then I decided I needed to talk about other things and get away from “all kids, all the time.” Now it’s a blend. Whatever the subject, I blog to maintain my sanity.
Re: When Mean Girls Grow Up. Good for you, dad!
Found you through TRDC link-up.
@openid-86801:disqus Hi Erin, I am glad that we solved the commenting conundrum. If you hung out here you probably noticed that I enjoy a blog that is a blend of topics too.
Blogging really is cathartic.
I stopped by for a quick look and stayed for 30 minutes.Â
I started blogging because my 5 children were driving me nuts and I needed to tell somebody about it. Then I decided I needed to talk about other things and get away from “all kids, all the time.” Now it’s a blend. Whatever the subject, I blog to maintain my sanity.
Re: When Mean Girls Grow Up. Good for you, dad!
Found you through TRDC link-up.
@openid-86801:disqus Hi Erin, I am glad that we solved the commenting conundrum. If you hung out here you probably noticed that I enjoy a blog that is a blend of topics too.
Blogging really is cathartic.
I’m always waiting to be provoked by your posts about blogs, but usually they just end up leading me to the stories of your children  and parenting – which are by far my favorites. I have gotten some really good belly laughs out of your blogs.Â
@google-ce6b1f8ea80af2ee7554d4638a53329c:disqus I am always happy to hear that someone has gotten something more out of this than a simple story. It is nice to feel like there is some sort of substance here occasionally because sometimes I wonder.
It is easy to get lost in the cobwebs.
I’m always waiting to be provoked by your posts about blogs, but usually they just end up leading me to the stories of your children  and parenting – which are by far my favorites. I have gotten some really good belly laughs out of your blogs.Â
@google-ce6b1f8ea80af2ee7554d4638a53329c:disqus I am always happy to hear that someone has gotten something more out of this than a simple story. It is nice to feel like there is some sort of substance here occasionally because sometimes I wonder.
It is easy to get lost in the cobwebs.
 I will be honest and just say I also blog for myself, it helps me tremendously to clear some thoughts.
The second benefit of blogging for me is the conversation which takes place after the post and the relationships which develop.
So althought it’s a selfish act to start with, it becomes a very social one by the end.
Cheers Jack, have a great weekend.
@johnfalchetto:disqus Hey John. I hope that you have recovered from your race and jet lag.Â
Blogging is a wonderful way to clear our heads and gain a deeper understanding of thoughts and feelings.
And there is no doubt that the engagement with others is like frosting on a cake. It just sweetens the entire experience.
 I will be honest and just say I also blog for myself, it helps me tremendously to clear some thoughts.
The second benefit of blogging for me is the conversation which takes place after the post and the relationships which develop.
So althought it’s a selfish act to start with, it becomes a very social one by the end.
Cheers Jack, have a great weekend.
@johnfalchetto:disqus Hey John. I hope that you have recovered from your race and jet lag.Â
Blogging is a wonderful way to clear our heads and gain a deeper understanding of thoughts and feelings.
And there is no doubt that the engagement with others is like frosting on a cake. It just sweetens the entire experience.
I like this.
I find that my most-viewed list is affected by when really popular bloggers mention/feature/StumbleUpon certain posts. Â Which is why I have a “Favorite Posts” page where I make sure to put posts that feel special to me, that I am proud of, even if they didn’t get as many views as some others.
I will say I like being caught by surprise by responses. Â Like when I write something without thinking, allow it to write itself in my head, not expecting anyone else to ‘get it’. Â Yet it ends up resonating. Â Those assure me that I am doing what I’m supposed to be.
Great post, Jack.
Came from TRDC link-up.
@1a80a007fac8a08a70ccfec97f624aed:disqus Hi Kim, welcome to the blog. I think that keeping our own checklist of favorite posts is great. There is no reason why we shouldn’t keep track of such things.
I think that it provides a certain sense of satisfaction.
For me part of the joy is discovering the gems that exist here and elsewhere. The people make blogging fun.
I like this.
I find that my most-viewed list is affected by when really popular bloggers mention/feature/StumbleUpon certain posts. Â Which is why I have a “Favorite Posts” page where I make sure to put posts that feel special to me, that I am proud of, even if they didn’t get as many views as some others.
I will say I like being caught by surprise by responses. Â Like when I write something without thinking, allow it to write itself in my head, not expecting anyone else to ‘get it’. Â Yet it ends up resonating. Â Those assure me that I am doing what I’m supposed to be.
Great post, Jack.
Came from TRDC link-up.
@1a80a007fac8a08a70ccfec97f624aed:disqus Hi Kim, welcome to the blog. I think that keeping our own checklist of favorite posts is great. There is no reason why we shouldn’t keep track of such things.
I think that it provides a certain sense of satisfaction.
For me part of the joy is discovering the gems that exist here and elsewhere. The people make blogging fun.
A struggle even in my short time. I never want my blog to run my life. Or for it to be an idol for me. I have to constantly remind myself of that.
@ChopperPapa:disqus The question I always pose is do you enjoy it? If you do and it doesn’t interfere with your life than have at it without concern.
A struggle even in my short time. I never want my blog to run my life. Or for it to be an idol for me. I have to constantly remind myself of that.
@ChopperPapa:disqus The question I always pose is do you enjoy it? If you do and it doesn’t interfere with your life than have at it without concern.
You’re a better blogger. Working on being a mo’ better blogger. And ain’t nothing wrong with that, Jack!
@faryna:disqus Always trying to get better,
You’re a better blogger. Working on being a mo’ better blogger. And ain’t nothing wrong with that, Jack!
@faryna:disqus Always trying to get better,
I agree that I don’t want to be labeled any certain thing. However, I know when I was getting started, a lot of people identified me as the dog lover or animal lover. That was okay by me because it attracted people who like animals. I just would never want any label to keep others from coming to my blog because they think that’s all I write about.Â
@twitter-227796466:disqus I appreciate that. It is nice to have the freedom to write about whatever is of interest.
I agree that I don’t want to be labeled any certain thing. However, I know when I was getting started, a lot of people identified me as the dog lover or animal lover. That was okay by me because it attracted people who like animals. I just would never want any label to keep others from coming to my blog because they think that’s all I write about.Â
@twitter-227796466:disqus I appreciate that. It is nice to have the freedom to write about whatever is of interest.
I also want to be happy, successful, and rich. I’m just not sure at this point how my blog fits into the picture. I definitely think my blog is helping me figure out who I really am and what I really enjoy. NO matter what I write about, it’s pretty rewarding because I’ve created something new from my thoughts and ideas. Even if no one reads it or comments on it, I still created it. And that’s a good feeling.Â
@marianneworley:disqus I can relate to your comments about creating. That fuels my fire and the satisfaction that comes from it is gold. It just feels great to do it.
I also want to be happy, successful, and rich. I’m just not sure at this point how my blog fits into the picture. I definitely think my blog is helping me figure out who I really am and what I really enjoy. NO matter what I write about, it’s pretty rewarding because I’ve created something new from my thoughts and ideas. Even if no one reads it or comments on it, I still created it. And that’s a good feeling.Â
@marianneworley:disqus I can relate to your comments about creating. That fuels my fire and the satisfaction that comes from it is gold. It just feels great to do it.
I love how you admit that blogging is about being happy, successful and rich. Â That’s a great order for things too.
@fdcf1759eafaf1cf48090e5632549c76:disqus Happy, successful & rich are important to me because of how I define them. Blogging feeds that because I love to write and words are a passion.
If you don’t love it, why do it.
I love how you admit that blogging is about being happy, successful and rich. Â That’s a great order for things too.
@fdcf1759eafaf1cf48090e5632549c76:disqus Happy, successful & rich are important to me because of how I define them. Blogging feeds that because I love to write and words are a passion.
If you don’t love it, why do it.