I am not here to inspire or teach you anything. I am not going to use the words in this post to promote my blog, myself or any one
Instead I am just going to write with reckless abandon and without a care about whether this will generate one comment or one thousand.
This is not a gimmick or a ploy. It is unadulterated Jack and at the moment it is all I have got to give and I am ok with that. I am ok with it because life has been more than crazy lately.
My grandfather died last week and my sister is getting married this coming weekend. Oh, did I mention that my family is moving in two weeks. I think that it is fair to say that I have a few things on my plate.
So you might wonder why it is that I am writing this post instead of taking care of the 1,983,983 things that take priority over blogging. The answer is simple.
I am guest posting over at Bill’s place today. Click here to read the rest of this post.
On my way over there.
@Sandi Amorim Hi Sandi. I don’t know how to write any other way so I just kind of let it all hang out there.
I appreciate the honesty with which you write. It’s human and vulnerable and makes me think. Especially today’s post. Thank you for sharing it.