The original headline of this post was supposed to be 18 Reasons To Read This Blog- Part 2.  Correction the original title was “The Post That Bill Dorman Almost Wrote But Didn’t.”
Since Bill used to be the invisible blogger I like sending traffic his way. The likelihood of his being invisible is about the same as The Bloggess highlighting the next 50 posts I write. Those of you who know me in real life know that crazy stuff happens to me all the time so I wouldn’t be surprised if she sent me an email to let me know that she had decided that it was important for all of her readers to learn more about me.
Really, one day Marcus is going to include me in his list of bloggers to read. One day soon you’ll Danny Brown and Margie Clayman link up with me too. Take a moment to go wish Danny a happy third blogiversary and to read Margie’s post about installing Livefyre on her blog. Go on, we’ll wait for you.
C’mon Jayme. Â We’re waiting for you and Ken to finish. Someone tell Brian to let Henry Wood go for a moment.
What Is The Point Of The Headline?
The point is that for the past four hours every time I tried to take a moment to write something came up and prevented me from doing so. It was uncanny the way life and responsibilities got in the way of the blog. There were telephone calls about sick relatives, work issues, bills, homework and a boatload of other things that made me feel like I was running in mud.
And I being the most patient father in the world walked out of my office, stepped outside and screamed at the Universe to “Back Off!” Ok, I didn’t scream because I didn’t want to freak out the neighbors but I didn’t have to. Really, my magic powers and exceptionally intense personality sent the message out into the world. And then for good measure I smiled broadly and asked for the universe to send me $10k. I figured it never hurts to ask and then while lost in contemplation I upped the number substantially.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
So in an effort to practice what I preach I took a deep breath and reminded myself to go along and get along. This is how I reached the 18 Reasons To Read This Blog- Part 2 idea. It is a quick sequel to this post in which I provided a list of some of the most popular posts to appear here.
Every now and then it is good to share that information. It never hurts to showcase some of your most popular stuff to those who might not have seen it. And when you are jammed for time it is quick. But the universe in its infinite wisdom didn’t let me fire that off and in fact has continued to interrupt me while I am writing this one.
Bad move universe. I am a Taurus and you don’t to aggravate the bull or you’ll get the horns. You must be one of those people who thinks that the SEC plays real football or that the celtics play real basketball. So here I am determined to finish this damn post.
Here are a bunch of posts that my stats say are quite popular. Some of them may be repeats from the old list but some could be new. Read and enjoy and I promise to share a new post with real writing later this evening.
- Some Things I’ll Teach My Children (Updated)
- A Father Describes Parenting
- Teach Your Children To Be Responsible With Money
- An Open Letter To Triberr Members
- Your Blog Bores Me
- My Children Confront Death Again
- A Whiter Shade Of Pale
- The Best Cover Letter….Ever
- Would You Read This Story Part 3
- Mean Girls Come From Mean Moms
- One Slightly Used Pump For Sale
- When Mean Girls Grow Up
- More Proof That Great Headlines Don’t Matter
- Facebooking Proves That Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds
- The GermoPhobe
- It is Called Life
- Life Lessons Learned on the Soccer FieldÂ
- Know Your Own Worth
Really love your writing styles, What inspires you to posts great blogs?
Now that was a dynasty; loved watching Alcindor and Walton………..
They could play, boy could they play.
The Bloggess has me on speed dial BTW……….:).
I quit holding my breath waiting for the anointed ones to list me as a ‘blog to read’. All it was doing was making me lightheaded but it did make me realize I need to establish my own community and quit scrapping around for the crumbs at their sites.
Good thing I have grown up somewhat in this fickle social world, huh?
However, I am doing a guest post at Margie’s tomorrow (Thurs); I think she was starting to feel sorry for me and thought if she threw me a bone she wouldn’t have to list me on anything……..just sayin’…..
My only allegiance to the SEC is that I paid for both of my sons to go to Auburn. They have won the last 5 Nat Championships however. For what it’s worth, I’m a Florida State Seminole in the vaunted ACC………oh wait, isn’t that a basketball conference?
Good to see you sir, I’ve been out of the office quite a bit lately and not a lot of computer time…
This social media thing can get a little old at times. Really, it is like a trip back to high school and I am not interested. Wouldn’t mind being more popular but don’t care either.
The best thing we can do is build our communities around us and if we do it well than there are big rewards that come with it.
And my friend, when it comes to basketball I will always support my UCLA Bruins, home of the Great John Wooden.
Good to see you too.
G’Day Jack,
Ya gotta admire that Marcus bloke. He digs big holes in people’s gardens, sticks some plastic sheeting in them, fills ’em with water, calls ’em swimming pools and convinces folks to pay him a small fortune for the privilege of having a very large mosquito breeding centre under the bedroom window.
Is that what Americans call “chutzpah?” No wonder the likes of you and I are fated to scribble away furiously, more in hope than expectation.
But at least I can now say that I got on the same blog post as Jayme, Danny, Gini and Marcus. Thanks for the legup.
By the way, I read somewhere that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the first paragraph of “Kidnapped” 71 times. Perhaps the truth is that we’re in very elite company.
Make sure you have fun
Chutzpah is a great word isn’t it. Yiddish just has something extra that English misses sometimes. Words like Chutzpah, Narishkeit, mishegoss- they add something special.
Anyhoo, I have often wondered what would happen if I had a nifty accent like you Aussie fellows or a cool Southern Drawl like Marcus. I think that I could really work that angle to my advantage.
I am not against rewriting but can’t say that I would do it 71 times. But writing is rewriting or so I have been told.
Oh, I was seeing all the name dropping and was just happy I caught mine and also happy to be honored by you and more than happy to be in good company. Don’t think any heads I know should be off…
Now, about these shortened blog posts coming to the email; care to make them full length?
Thanks for thinking on that!
I am confused about the shortened blog post. What service are you using? As far as I know I haven’t adjusted any settings but…
And, so. I just happened to click on your blog today (b/c I hate when I only get part of the story in my inbox and have to click deeper — WAHHH) and lo, there I was. Didn’t know it, didn’t expect it.
C’mon Jayme?
Now, what does that mean, The Jack? You need me to write about your blog and do a review? Shall i send some readers in your direction to absorb your very The Jack style that is so uniquely you? Shall I bare my soul even more b/c that’s in my name?
One of these days…
Jayme, I decided to hand out a little link love today in a different way. If you read the few lines just before it should make sense:
Take a moment to go wish Danny a happy third blogiversary and to read Margie’s post about installing Livefyre on her blog. Go on, we’ll wait for you.
I ‘picked’ on you and Ken in jest and beyond that I dare not say. Would hate to be decapitated. Ok, I haven’t read your post yet so I don’t know if I need to be skeered, but I will be there soon. 🙂
I’m amazed that anyone in the whole wide world gets anything written when they have a family and responsibilities that call constantly. Every time I write I pay for it with a clogged central vac (James, 3), an empty shaving cream can and baby powder (Kenny, 5 1/2), a broken sideview mirror (Connor 12 going on 25, who thinks driving is a right not a privilege), and a cold shoulder from everyone else who thinks the food in the fridge responds to my magic touch alone!
But, as you said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Mom always has the magic food touch. It is a law of mankind, the universe and all that is holy in this world and beyond.
Still trying to convince my mother of this. When I visit I always encourage her to make something for me. I say “mom, you must get bored cooking for dad so why not help me out” and then she comes up with some ridiculous reply about me being old enough to make my own meal.
I keep telling her that I have been ignoring that line for 30 years or so and she keeps repeating it. Women are so frustrating, especially moms and sisters. What is up with that.
I have a 17 week old german shepherd puppy who isn’t the least bit interested in my blog. He interrupts me about every 3.5 minutes.
Jack, I got up early this morning to workout before work, but instead got sucked into reading your blog. Now my butt is going to grow wide and fat, but you did give me lots of food for thought so maybe my brain will grow too.
The content on this is 100% fat free. There are no additives, preservatives or anything that can harm you. In fact 3 out of 5 dentists recommend that you read TheJackB while brushing your teeth three times a day.
Some studies have even shown that just spending 5 minutes a day here will increase your IQ by 5 points. Or was that decrease. Hmm…increase, decrease- I get confused with the creases.
Damn them, as long as my pants have a smart crease I am happy…..
Hilarious! I could regale you with tales of my constantly interrupted adventures in moving from Blogger to self hosted WP the last few days or tell you about the time the universe did indeed send me $52,500 and more later to get me out of a jam, BUT I’ve already posted about that, so…
When you get 10,000 interruptions in 10 minutes, the universe really is saying,”Jack, freaking wake up and pay attention to life right here and now and write later,” and moreover, when you send Taurus out there you might take a deep breath and become Pisces for a second (think flow and fishies). Add to that your willingness to ask for big things on the fly and you are golden 🙂
$52,500? That is a decent sum. The universe could send me that and I would be appreciative. I’d like $100k better and a million even more.
I keep telling the universe to speak plainly to me- I respond much more quickly that way but alas….