My brain is working on overdrive and my thoughts are flying faster than my fingers can type them. I have a hundred ideas that I want to write down and at least 15 different story lines that I want to integrate into my book.
I feel a bit like Gollum except instead of muttering “My preciousssssss….” I run around whispering about “my book.” This tale I am telling, this story I am selling has been inside me for a long time and now I am ready to burst.
The words are churning and burning inside me and I am desperate to get them out. I don’t care if you like it, love it or despise it- I just have to get it out.
I don’t need it out like Lady MacBeth. I am not running around screaming “out spot.” It is not guilt or fear of being caught as an accomplice in murder that drives me. No, this is my soul celebrating because I am doing what it has pushed me to do. This is my heart singing a song that very few have heard.
This is me feeling, loving and experiencing a different sort of joy. This is me doing what I should be doing. I am a writer. Some years ago someone made an offer to me that I should have taken them up on. Some years ago they offered me something rare and special but I didn’t do it.
I Need Help
I don’t like asking for help. Don’t like feeling like I can’t get things done on my own. Fact is that I like working on my own because it is how I learn. When I took on redesigning the blog I did so in large part because I don’t like asking for help and because I knew that doing it myself would mean learning more than I otherwise would have.
It is a funny place that I find myself in. I teach my children to ask for help and that it doesn’t make you weaker or less of a person. In many areas I have absolutely no problem asking for it- but when it came down to a couple of areas I simply refused.
Let me clarify a few things. When I say that I need help it is not because I have any sort of substance abuse issues. I drink too much coffee and eat too much pizza, but aside from wreaking havoc on sleep and waist size they have no impact on my ability to function.
No, what I am referring to in this situation is that I asked the universe for help. I feel goofy writing that. It sort of gives me the willies, but the truth is that I did it. I sat down and asked for help. Told the universe that whatever I was doing wasn’t working and that I was open to new things.
And then something happened. I am not going to tell you that I won the lottery or that a book deal was offered to me because that is not true…today. Maybe it will be tomorrow, I don’t know.
What I do know is that I rediscovered parts, pieces and places inside me that I wasn’t aware had been dormant. I discovered that a fire that I had thought was dead was very much alive and now I am going a little bit crazy.
Crazy because this story needs to be told. Crazy because this book isn’t being written fast enough. Crazy because my air isn’t quite what I want it to be, but that is ok.
Because I am running back up the side of the mountain with boundless energy and reckless abandon.
I will finish this book and it will be published and when I do I will ask for your help.
I have already asked a bunch of people to read it and tell me what they think. There are some issues with it. The formatting needs to be tweaked a bit and there are few other hiccups that could be polished.
But if you want to read it and leave a comment you are welcome to do so. If you don’t want to do that but are interested in helping there are lots of other ways. Sponsor me. Donate a million dollars to the Help Jack Write his Book fund. That would provide enough cash to cover all of my bills and allow me to focus on my writing.
Or alternatively you can choose to do something that costs nothing but still helps and that is you can become a fan of TheJackB.
Meanwhile you can be certain that I am going to continue to update my blogs and work on my story.
Jack the feeling pretty good right now dad blogger.
I can’t find the section of your book that you shared. I wanted to add some comments…was reading on my phone. now lost. 🙁
Hi Aaron,
I am not sure what section you are referring to. I can send you to the blog that has all of it.
Would that help?
I am a little late to the party but any help you want, just tell me. Will be more than glad to help you out!
I already have you on Google + and like your page on FB… any other way?
Thank you. I will let you know if I think of anything else. I appreciate it.
How can I help you? You helped me when I got started on Twitter, I will help you with your book.
AND you can help me with my writing as well. So, I help you and you help me.
For example, just getting a response for commentary is valuable. Is that what you want? Do you want critical readers? I can do that. I may not be as quick as you like … but I will do what I can when I can, and will tell you my timeframe.
Buona Fortuna!
Dr. Mike
Doc Mike,
It is good to see you. We can certainly help each other. I am always interested in feedback on the book.
I am doing things differently than a lot of people in that I have solicited help prior to completion of the first draft but I feel confident about my approach.
Part of the reason why I said that I need help is because I believe that asking will bring it. It feels a bit goofy, but I have this strong belief that the act is going to lead to very good things.
And you are always welcome to ask for my help. I will gladly do what I can.
I’m trying to get you to try Vibrams again… that’s helpful too, right? Because they’ll make your feet feel better, and then the rest of you will feel better, and everything will fall into place…
I intend to try them again and I expect that you are probably right. I need some ugly shoes. 😉
Actually I don’t care if they are ugly- I keep hearing good things about them and want to experience them for myself.
It is a very deep post. Sometimes I get into that overdrive as well and I don’t know what to do about it. I read one book and it states that I need to do what is the priority.
I tried to help, I liked you on Facebook.
Hi Mike,
That is a big help. It is tied into a potential marketing plan. When I try to get someone to look at the book I am going to talk about the Facebook fans, Twitter followers etc.
Just trying to use whatever resources I can.
This is a most fabulous post! Your energy is palpable, and you are so on track:) I am reading and enjoying the opportunity to provide feedback to your “precious”…because it is a rare and precious thing to write a book. I shall stay tuned, and I plan to be part of the universal message that says…run with boundless energy and reckless abandon. It’s the only way to run:) Cheers! Kaarina
Hi Kaarina,
I decided to “do” and now I am doing. I have relatively few regrets in life but I admit that right now I have one and that is a lack of time.
I work on this every day but I want more time to push and focus. This is coming along, but dammit- I am impatient.
Anyhoo, I appreciate your time and I hope that you enjoy it.
Happy Vibes Jack B – and following you on Google Plus… does that help?
Hi Amie,
That absolutely does. I appreciate it. Thank you.