This isn’t the first time that I have shared this video but it is worth doing so again for a host of reasons.  What I see in this video is what the Olympic Spirit is about. It is the willingness to push through pain and to try and do something extraordinary because it is The Olympics and not because you are getting paid to do it.
And as a father I cannot help but identify with the dad in this. I would do the same for my children without question.
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There’s a biblical saying about this…”If I am not for myself, then who is for me?”
BruceSallan Yes. it is one of my favorites:Hillel says, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14
Well Jack and readers, After watching Team Great Britain versus South Korea in men’s soccer last night,the Olympic spirit is alive and well. The game ended in a tie, so they went into overtime, still in a deadlock! Then the penalty phase, the dreaded penalty kicks. My team lost, but they tried so hard, tired legs and all.Very proud of them, great effort!
charlieandsheba That is cool. Always good when you can walk away with a smile, whether on the pitch, in the stands or at home.
Wow. This is the first time I’ve seen it. I highly agree. That’s what the Olympics should be all about.Great stuff Jack.
Jens You hate to see an athlete get hurt, but watching his father run out of the stands was special.
TheJackBÂ true.
Yep, that moved me yet again…
Mark_Harai If that doesn’t move people I really don’t know what will. It just kills me, but in a good way.
Wow, pretty powerfull stuff there, tears in my eyes as well. Thanks for sharing and totally agree with you and your readers. A lesson for us all. Have a great day everyone.
charlieandsheba Glad you enjoyed it. That is the kind of thing that makes us tear up, but is also inspirational.
That was quite a moving moment; knowing the endless hours put into training just so he could compete all to have it crash and burn because of an injury. Just being there was a victory all by itself….
bdorman264 My first thought was about how badly I felt knowing how hard he must have worked to get there. I don’t want to say it is tragic because it doesn’t meet my definition, but disappointing is definitely on the list.But I love watching his dad pick him up so that he could catch his breath and finish the race.
This is the first time I have seen this and I have tears in my eye. For the pain he is going through and for the extreme support he has from his dad.Â
Hajra His father is great.
Hajra  I don’t think Bill Dorman approves of crying in social media… (Or was that rule just for guys… hmm)
Mark_Harai bdorman264 I am a girl and I will bawl like a baby! ;)BTW Wasn’t it bdorman264 who shaved his legs for getting the sisterhood award or something…. hmmm….
Hajra  Haha!  The invisible blogger (Bill Dorman shaves his legs!You know, I’ve heard that once you start shaving your legs you can’t stop because it grows back faster and thicker each time you do it :oNow I know what to get Bill for his birthday :p
Mark_Harai Men…..Â