A thousand years ago when your loyal host was a wee school boy he was told by a teacher that video games were a waste of time that would never lead anywhere.
The same man suggested that video games were no different than pornographic movies and that those who engaged in either pursuit were challenged. Had I been a bit older I might have asked him if he was calling me a deviant but I wasn’t so I didn’t.
Just to set the record straight I never said anything to him about porn. This incident took place when I was in junior high and the last thing I would have admitted to then was having looked at any sort of magazine that had naked pictures in it, aside from National Geographic.
Good old National Geographic was safe because it was considered educational.
Billion Dollar Industries
I wonder if he would remember that discussion or if it would be considered obnoxious if I told him his 19th century sensibilities were dated during our 20th century education and are even more ridiculous now in the 21st century.
Ok, that may not be fair but I have an issue with teachers who think it is their job to stomp on the dreams of their students.
So why did I include the infographic that is located below the post here? You might suggest there was some idea of helping with traffic and SEO efforts and I would say that it is not necessarily the kind of traffic I am focused on.
But I would also say I find the information contained in this to be fascinating. $15 billion per year is an amount I can’t begin to wrap my head around. It is simply incredible.
From a business perspective I can’t help but play around with ideas in my head and wonder what I could do to secure a half percent of that $15 billion. That would be a very good year.
I also have to acknowledge that my views might be more Victorian in nature than I imagine.
Would I be willing to sell sex toys or open up a sex shop?
I am not sure and it has everything to do with my children. I need to think about this a bit. I try not to make knee jerk reactions.
And this my friends is part of why I love blogging. The chance to think “out loud” and figure things out is invaluable.
Big Money- Check it out
Presented by Adam and Eve – Scandalous Facts You Didn’t Know About Sex Toys
I can’t see myself getting involved in these activities, but I can understand a lot of people loving it and having lots of fun at the same time. Sex definitely sells that is for sure.
Sex always sells.
I love infographics at the best of times, however, one that contains information about vibrators really takes the cake 😛
I have been playing around with some of the same thoughts as well. Especially since I live close to the border of Sweden, and they’re a lot more liberal in Sweden than in Norway. A lot of Norwegians drive across the border to by everything related to sex. There are many fairly big shops and lots of cars outside. So there’s definitively money in sex (and video games) 🙂
@berget:disqus I have heard stories about the Swedes but I really don’t many and those I do haven’t lived there in years so I have no idea what it is like now.
When I thought about it I had this idea that an online sex store could pay enough to give me time to write, but…
That’s one of those ‘moments’ you wish you could transport back in time and have an ‘adult’ retort back to the teacher to see what kind of reaction it would elicit.
I think if you start blogging in the nude maybe you can find that 1/2 of 1%.
Hola, I’m having serious, serious computer problems so I’m trying to get by on a loaner.
I would love to see that guy now and ask him what he thinks. He was so obnoxious and smug, or at least that is how I remember it. Who knows, maybe he wasn’t and I was just an angry teen.
As for blogging in the nude, well I didn’t want to say anything but… 😉
Hope you get your ‘puter problems solved real soon.
Never knew the northern red states were so ‘Red’. I can’t unlearn that now either.
Some education is good for the soul or something like that. 😉
Where do I start?
One suggestion: if you ever decide to enter this industry do not under any circumstances host or attend a home party for women.
I don’t know that I would ever enter the industry. It is hard not to look at the numbers and wonder if there is an easy way to get some of that, but if I did I can’t ever see myself doing the home party thing.
I know you were (mostly) kidding. There is a great story behind that home party remark but I couldn’t figure out how to explain it without crossing the line. Maybe I need a blog for things that don’t belong on my blog 🙂
@JulieAClearSign:disqus I am a big fan of blogging those stories. They can be a lot of fun.
Sex sells. It’s plain and simple. Looking at the figures I have to admit I would never have guessed he industry is so big. I figure here size does matter too.
The sex industry has been around as long a i can remember from the days of advertisements in ‘some’ magazines for ‘massage equipment’. Those were different times, because – judging by the little drawing in the advertisement – it was used for ‘facial massage’. And that was just one article in the endless supply of goodies…
I am not really all that surprised to see that it is doing well but like you said $15 billion is higher than I would have expected. Makes me wonder how many people are in the industry and taking pieces of this pie.
Don’t think this will ever go away either, sex is a big part of being human.