Tonight I am writing with my usual musical accompaniment and the words of Theodore Roosevelt. I could write an entire post around any one of the three quotes below but tonight I am using all of them.
That’s because they tie into my day and into my life. These are words I carry in my heart as a father, friend, man and son.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.
Sixth grade is a hard year for many students. There is a big transition with the amount of work and the expectations that come with it and my son is carrying the load.
He amazes me with his composure and his work ethic. He is maturing right in front of us and I am seeing glimpses of the man he will one day become. We have a long road before that day, but I couldn’t be prouder.
The big guy isn’t perfect. He has his flaws and I am sorry to say that some of them come from me. I want nothing more than for him to only take on my good traits and none of my bad, but sometimes the sins of the father are visited upon the son.
Tonight I sent him to bed at 10 which is a solid hour beyond when I want him going to bed. He was up later because he missed school for the Jewish New Year and had work to make up.
Values, Hard Work and Dedication
He wanted to stay up to finish but I told him sleep was more important. He agreed and tomorrow he’ll do a little bit before school and finish the last couple of items during recess.
I want him to be a kid. I want him to enjoy school and am anxious to help him love learning. But there is a balance I am trying to strike of instilling values, hard work and dedication.
We talked about Teddy Roosevelt and how those 100 year old quotes are still relevant today.
I told him why they are important to me and how I thought they could help him. We talked about many other things including how there is a rhythm and flow to life.
Rhythm and Flow In Writing
There is a rhythm and flow to my writing that I rely upon. Rhythm and flow are what I hold onto because they are my support and my guide.
Rhythm and flow are where I find balance and meaning. I don’t know exactly how to describe it other than to say it reminds me of the high I get from exercise. It is the rush of adrenaline that accompanies the clinkety clank of the weights or the swish of a basket.
Sometimes I find my rhythm within the first key stroke and other moments it is harder to come by. But practice and effort bring it out more easily and it makes me smile because it is the writer’s high I feel.
I shared Georgie with you because that bastard is making things happen for me. I have written about him here before but during the past two weeks he has been garnering an awful lot of attention.
It is an odd place to be in to know that guy who tried to microwave his mother’s cat would be the source of that attention. Some people described him as being evil but that is too easy.
Georgie wasn’t bad because he didn’t know better, he was bad because he did and he didn’t care.
People always say that there is someone bigger and stronger and that was true of Georgie, but there wasn’t anyone meaner.
Music and Writing
- The Devil Went Down To Georgia– Charlie Daniel’s Band
- A Little Less Conversation– Elvis Presley
- Adagio for Strings
- Devil Inside-Inxs
- I Drove All Night– Roy Orbison
- Where the Streets Have No Name– U2
- The Fire Rises– The Dark Knight Rises
- Hate Me– Blue October
- Tin Pan Alley– Stevie Ray Vaughan
- No More Tears– Ozzie Osborne
The Best Is Yet To Come
Just before he fell asleep he asked me if high school was the best part of my life and I shook my head no. I had a great time in school, more fun in college and still more after.
I didn’t tell him that the years since have also included some of the hardest moments because that is a conversation for a different time. But I did tell him the best is yet to come because I believe that and that I want that for him too.
Aim higher. That is the goal, a little bit higher and a little bit farther.
Finding that balance is hard enough for us these days. I think it’s even harder for kids, especially as they begin that gearing up in middle school leading to the tough (competitive) high school years.
Our insistence on “kid time” – even when they’re teens – can really help.
I think “kid time” is critical. They are going to spend plenty of time “working” but that is not for a while so I am happy to let them have some time now.
There has to be more to life than work or should I say we work so that we can live and not live to work.
There isn’t much rhythm and flow to my writing yet but I’m working on it. I hope my kids pick up on that too. The best is yet to come for all of us.
If you are interested in unsolicited advice I suggest giving yourself plenty of time to write. If you do it frequently you will begin to find your voice and your “sea legs” and it will get easier.
I love reading people’s faces. There is enormous strength and resolve in this one. Funny, I have heard A Little Less Conversation all over the place lately, and for some reason it makes me want to go fix my blog and get actual work done. Go figure. What are your favorites from the 70s? I need inspiration for my perspiration. One can only listen to Southern Cross and Ramble On so many times before turning to disco, which frankly would be scary at this stage of life. There were an awful lot of psychadelics going on back then too…
Favorites from the 70s? Good question and off the top of my head nothing comes to mind. It is a time when I started to really discover and enjoy music so some of what I think of may not be from then.
But if you go through my playlists you will usually find:
Ray Charles
Johnny Cash
Bruce Springsteen
Doobie Brothers
Steely Dan
Gordon Lightfoot
Led Zeppelin
Social Distortion
It really depends on my mood.