After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her. – Adam’s Diary (Mark Twain)
There are only two ways to commit murder: with intent to wreak havoc and terrorize or meekly as if by accident.
I prefer the former over the latter. If you are going to snuff out a candle than do so in a fashion which makes clear you have no second thoughts. It is the honorable thing to do.
Honor is the reason I whacked 876 words- two posts for some of you, but only one for me.
Headlines Should Deliver On Their Promise
I have a love/hate relationship with headlines. I read posts like This is why I am not reading or tweeting your blog post and nod my head because the answer to the question below this ‘graph is yes:
“Do you want to increase the readership of your blog by 400% in just one easy step?”
Yes I do. I want to build something bigger, better and bolder than what I have here. One of the ways to do that is to craft headlines that compel people to click and read.
Yet the great contradiction of my career is the desire to do whatever the hell I want and to rail against the instant gratification society by going against the grain.
It is part of why I sometimes twist the “list post” by using ridiculous numbers like 982 Ways To Monetize Your Blog or 69 Reasons Why Fathers Make Better Lovers.
The truth is they work. They bring the readers and some of them actually hang out long enough to read the entire post. I attribute that to solid content and to intermixing headlines that deliver on their promise.
Do What You Say You Are Going To Do
Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger isn’t linkbait. There are 25 links you can use to become a better writer/blogger.
Most of what you will find in there comes from almost 9 years of blogging and a couple of decades worth of work as a professional writer. Take it for what it is worth. It works for me and it might work for you, or it might not.
I don’t think I am wrong but what do I know, Bloggers are Insecure.
There Are No Triberr Tricks
Unless I am mistaken I have been a part of Triberr for almost two years now. I started out in Anubis have had the chance to watch Triberr grow exponentially, at least I think it is exponential. Could be wrong about that too, I am a writer not a mathematician.
Anyhoo, I have probably written about seven or eight posts about Triberr and not just because it is one of the few ways I get Dino to visit the blog now.
It is because Triberr has been one of the most effective tools I have used to grow my blog. It has increased my exposure and reach and it is part of why many of us are friends, but it would be a mistake to say all it took was signing up.
What made the difference was time spent engaging in multiple places with people. It is responding to comments here, leaving comments on your blogs, tweeting with people and using other social media platforms too.
That is not to say I haven’t conducted tests and experiments because I have.
I have tried large tribers that had little targeting and smaller tribes that were very targeted.
You Don’t Need a Niche
You don’t need a niche to be successful or maybe that is just me. If you are among the regulars you know I blog about blogging, parenting, writing, sports and social media. I write fiction and share it here too.
This blog is a success. It generates revenue and has led to multiple business opportunities.
But I want to build something bigger.
What Do You Want Out Of Blogging/Social Media?
Saturday night I sat down with my son and had a long talk about life. He wanted to know who I wanted to be when I was his age. I told him that way back in the spring of ’81 I wanted to play baseball for the Dodgers and basketball for the Lakers.
We spent a few moments talking about why it didn’t happen and what has happened since. I told him that he doesn’t need to make a decision now as to who he wants to be but that in life it helps when you can make plans for some things.
That is probably better applied to people like us who aren’t 12. It leads to the question I pose here frequently: What do you want from blogging/social media? If you are trying to monetize your blog it is the kind of question you need to answer.
When you know what you want you can create a road map for achieving it.
It is time to wrap this post up but not before I say I have created a mental list of things I am thankful for. Me, the guy who used to make fun of people who said they have an attitude of gratitude is grateful.
People power social media. Triberr introduced me to many more people. If I were a mathematician I might create a fancy looking formula but instead I’ll leave you with this:
P+SM= 87 Triberr Tricks You Never Tried Twice
Clever 🙂 As for me, blogging has opened up a career opportunity in an awesome digital marketing agency where I’m having the time of my life. My blog isn’t monetized – and I chose it to be that way. I love to write, and if I get compensated for it, that’s a bonus. For the most part though, I still blog for free 🙂 Thanks for these insights, I’ll come up with 5,238 tips on Twitter soon 😉
The love of writing is what made me a blogger and has kept me at it. This is a wonderful venue for doing so and I simply love it.
There are so many great resources here to use to improve our skills as writers as well as to meet others. It is awesome.
I want to have impact. I want to be part of building the greatest thing you can imagine that changes life as we know it.
Life just wouldn’t be worth living if that was not always the goal.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jack!
Hi Mark,
Well you are going places so I know you are one of the people to look at as an example of someone who is making that impact.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jack! Congratulations. You achieved your goal with the title. Well done.
Hi Carolyn,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I hope it is great!
Thanks for the good post Jack. I enjoyed your points but didn’t get the deliver on the title that you talked about as I was really interested in Triberr uses. In this case it baited me and switched me which isn’t good when it comes to building trust online even among fans. A better Title would be 6 Things you need to know about blogging or something like that. Have a good Thanksgiving.
Hi Ross,
I am sorry you feel that way. I had thought the paragraph with the subhead “There Are No Triberr Tricks” covered it, but I see it is thinner than I had realized.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
I always enjoy your insights Jack. Especially since you don’t necessarily subscribe to the hype of the latest and greatest Social Media/Marketing/Monetizing techniques and evangelists but you don’t outright dismiss them either.
My site, , continues to evolve. Monetizing has not been the first priority but rather establishing a credible, fun, entertaining web site. Triberr certainly has helped expand the playing field, but I’m still trying to figure out the key to increasing traffic without link baiting type posts. Although I do understand the rationale behind them.
Keep up the great work Jack.
Hi Vincent,
How are things? I am glad you enjoy the blog. It is fun to write but always nice to receive positive feedback.
In my “professional life” I have been working with online marketing programs and strategies for more than ten years so much of what I have learned is easily applied to this segment.
Blogging is a marathon and not a sprint. People who can sustain their efforts, provide good content and network can do well, at least that is my theory.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
LMAO…ok, you know me so well, Jack. 🙂
You want me on your blog, write about Triberr….simple. Right?
Now, where are these 87 tricks? :-p
Hi Dino,
Those tricks are reserved for members of Triberr Ultra. 😉
I wonder how many people never knew Twitter before Triberr? Easy to be unknowingly ungrateful for something that you take for granted. Ya know? It’s a machine! Love it.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jack!
Hi Betsy,
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that many didn’t know about it.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!