One of the best parts of being a writer is that it provides me with a legitimate excuse to feed my thirst for trivia and to always have a reason to continue to educate myself about all sorts of odds and ends.
Today with the help of the Oxford Dictionaries I am pleased to help you learn about the origins of “Brass Monkey” (it is not The Beastie Boys), “Dressed to the Nines” and “Codswallop.”
What is the origin of the term ‘brass monkey’?
The story goes that cannonballs used to be stored aboard ship in piles, on a brass frame or tray called a ‘monkey’. In very cold weather the brass would contract, spilling the cannonballs: hence very cold weather is ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’. There are several problems with this story, as follows:
- the term ‘monkey’ is not otherwise recorded as the name for such an object
- the rate of contraction of brass in cold temperatures is unlikely to be fast enough to cause the reputed effect
- the phrase is actually first recorded as ‘freeze the tail off a brass monkey’, which removes any essential connection with balls.
It therefore seems most likely that the phrase is simply a humorous reference to the fact that metal figures will become very cold to the touch in cold weather.
What is the origin of the term ‘dressed to the nines‘?
One theory is that it comes from the name of the 99th Wiltshire Regiment, known as the Nines, which was renowned for its smart appearance. There are a couple of problems with this suggestion, though. To begin with, the regiment’s sartorial reputation seems to have dated from the 1850s, while the first recorded use of the phrase is from 1837. Secondly, dressed to the nines developed as an extension of the much earlier phrase to the nines, meaning ‘to perfection, to the greatest degree’: the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary‘s first example of this earlier form dates back to 1719.
Why it should have been to the nines rather than to the eights, to the sevens, etc. remains unclear.
What is the origin of the word ‘codswallop’?
The story goes that a man by the name of Hiram Codd patented a bottle for fizzy drinks with a marble in the neck, which kept the bottle shut by pressure of the gas until it was pressed inwards. Wallop was a slang term for beer, and Codd’s wallop came to be used by beer drinkers as a derogatory term for weak or gassy beer, or for soft drinks.
This theory has appeared in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, but there are problems with it. ‘Codswallop’ is not recorded until the mid-20th century, rather a long time after Codd’s invention, and there are no examples of the spelling Codd’s wallop, which might be expected as an early form. These problems do not conclusively disprove the theory – it’s conceivable that the term circulated by word of mouth, like many slang terms, and that the connection with Codd’s bottle had been forgotten by the time the term was written down – but they do shed doubt on the tale.
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And this my friends is the post that confirms I have completed 30 straight days of posting. Not only that, but I have done so with a smile, no word yet on whether it is a friendly or “crazy” one. 😉
I love the word codswallop. It is fun to say.
Congrats on 30 straight days of posts.
Hi Tracie,
It does have a particular ring to it, now doesn’t it. Hope you are doing great!
You used codswallop! I love codswallop! Well – not the actual CW, but the word…
Hi Shonali,
It is a great expression that isn’t used very often by most people I know, but I love it too. Am always on the search for something descriptive that packs a punch.
I love etymologies. I started looking up the histories of word and phrases when I was a kid. I had a huge picture dictionary which also featured etymologies and other did-you-know-that facts. Thanks for sharing this!
All I know is that if someone asks me “what does….mean?” I have to find the answer. I love the history lessons that open up in my searching for understanding. Problem is that the person ho asked the question has usually moved on and could care less about the answer. HA! But it lights up my brain.
Hi Betsy,
I suspect we have similar interests. I am the guy who will read the dictionary or encyclopedia for fun. I love learning about all sorts of stuff.
If it lightens the brain and doesn’t hurt us, than why not.
Congrats and well done. 30 blog posts in 30 days is a feat.
Thank you Stan. Just a matter of discipline.