Let’s cut to the chase immediately: I am not going to provide you with 69 reasons why social media platforms don’t matter. That is not because I can’t come up with 69 reasons because I can, but it is unnecessary.
What is necessary is gaining your attention and now that I have it here is what you need to know and remember.
The most important part of social media isn’t the platform but the people.
It is not complicated, but some people need to read/hear messages several times before they sink in so I am going to repeat it.
The most important part of social media isn’t the platform but the people.
I love blogging and I love Twitter but neither one of them is worth a damn without people. If people didn’t matter Facebook wouldn’t use a body part  as part of its name. Pinterest is exciting to its users because of people.
The reason I mention this is because we are inundated with posts that provide guides for how to be successful in social media. Most of those guides offer a tiny section where they say that content is king and that you should provide value to your readers, but that is not enough for me.
The most important part of social media isn’t the platform but the people.
People remember how you make them feel. If you make them feel valued and special they will spend time with you. They will form communities and help support you and the others in the community.
I am not a saint. I won’t try to portray myself as one. This isn’t an attempt at self deprecation or me saying “aw shucks, I am just a dad.†I am a man who has lots of good qualities and plenty of bad ones.
Some of the negative ones are things that you love and some are things you hate. That is really neither here nor there. What matters though is that I recognize that people make social media run.
What matters is that I am teaching my children to look at the world around them and give back. I want them to know that they live magical lives where they might not have as much as others but a hell of a lot more than many.
They never go hungry or worry about where they are going to sleep. Their clothes are clean, they aren’t thirsty and they get dirty by choice.
One of my responsibilities as their father and a dad blogger is to teach them to give back. I do that in person and I remark about it here so that in the future they remember.
The most important part of social media isn’t the platform but the people.
This blog isn’t solely about trying to build a platform for work or to secure an agent for books. It is not solely about chronicling the lives of my children or sharing my thoughts.
It is about doing the right thing in a general sense and today it is a reminder that social media is about people and so is life.
When you give back good things happen. Every now and then we need to go out and help people. I don’t care if you volunteer or give money solely because you think it gives you good karma because if do it you might help improve a life and that is worth doing.
This isn’t me trying to be profound or insightful. It is just my attempt to weave together two things under one roof. Social media isn’t about the platforms, it is about the people and so is life.
(This is an environmentally friendly post. It is recycled and originally ran here.)
So, what’s the most important part of social media? Just kidding.
I wish I were smoother with social media. Is it possible I’m not because I’m not the smoothest with people? Hmmm.
Join the crowd. 🙂