Not sure how to begin this post, other then to say that I find so many intelligent people out here it amazes me. I am serious, no sarcasm intended. I find plenty of knuckleheads, and not the kind called Larry, Moe and Curly.
I am just really impressed by the intelligence of some bloggers and marvel at the thoughts they express. I’d like to participate in some of these discussions, but feel like I am missing out on the foundation I need to be a useful part. And even though I haven’t any fear of entering the comments, I’d prefer to lurk a little bit longer and see if I can suck out some marrow and ferret out the meaning.
And then maybe I can join in.
I know what you mean. I often get depressed reading the work of other bloggers. I suppose that’s a function of humility.
I’ll let you know. I figure if I can sell the method for the low low price of $5.95 I can make a ton of money and then retire so that I have even more time. 😉
When you figure out how to visit and read all worthy blogs (or books or newspapers, etc), please let me know!
Hi Robyn,
I appreciate that. I wasn’t fishing for comments or compliments. In an earlier post I mentioned wanting to be an expert in so many different things.
It is a thirst for knowledge combined with a lack of time.
Jack you dont seem to be an intellectual slouch. I can not imagine that there is a blogger out there that would not be happy to see your comments.
Love and light