I used to have an email address tied into the site but I pulled it because of the vast amount of “email” I received. Besides if I used all of the pills that these people want me to take they really would call me “Tripod” and I’d scare the neighbor’s horse. And that would be a shame.
But beyond all that I also received multiple requests to Blogroll people. It is not so much that I mind being asked, but that I am unwilling to do it for everyone and not interested in explaining why every time I decide not to do it.
The issue is very simple to me. I Blogroll sites that I find to be of interest, but the problem is that I have found so many that are of interest it is a little overwhelming. I am not real keen on the idea of listing 69 links on the side of the blog. I feel an obligation to visit sites I have blogrolled and I don’t have time to visit 69 sites.
There are blogs that I visit on a regular basis that I haven’t blogrolled and I don’t necessarily know why. I probably will end up doing it, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. If you ask my wife about it she’ll tell you that I operate on “Jack Time” and that “Jack Time” doesn’t seem to correllate with time in the outside world. I do things at my pace.
Anyway, I have milked this cow long enough, it is time to go shear the sheep for a bit.
Helps out… if you are not using it (or other tools like this)… to figure out IP addresses!
Did I post this under the wrong post?
Who knows?!?!?!
I’ve only been at the blogging thing for about six months, and recently had to decide on what to do about this. Mostly, if someone comes and comments a couple of times, I’ll add their blog to my list of links. And if they link to me, and actually show up now and then, then I’ll add a link to them. I usually cruise by all of the people I have listed once a day during the week or more, depending on how often they post.
Some of the things that have given me pause in the past, but ended up not being an issue, because the people who caused the thoughts didn’t stick around, were blogs that had political positions that I couldn’t stomach (and I wondered why this person bothered to read me anyway), or the writing was of the sort that I feared adding a link might gain the blogger attention s/he wouldn’t want to have (like people possibly heckling).
Interesting issue.
Out of curiosity, do you use an aggregator to read all the blogs? -PeninahHi Peninah,
I use a couple, but I haven’t found one that I really like.
Robyn said…
Well Jack I am strange about links. I blogroll a lot of blogs and then once a month weed them out. The regular posters get to stay the rest fall away. If you are someone who has actually managed to get my email addy and you use it eventually you move up to the friends section and out of blogroll totally. You earn a permanent link.
Hi Robyn,
I don’t think that sounds strange, it makes perfect sense to me. In large part this is really an issue of time for me. I’d like to blogroll everything that catches my eye and then weed them out, but I just don’t have the time to do it well.
So right now I am kind of going on “instinct” but I am sure that at some point I’ll find a more efficient way to do things.
Well Jack I am strange about links. I blogroll a lot of blogs and then once a month weed them out. The regular posters get to stay the rest fall away. If you are someone who has actually managed to get my email addy and you use it eventually you move up to the friends section and out of blogroll totally. You earn a permanent link. There are a couple of fellows who have actually earned their own sections in my sidebar. They are both writers and I feel they deserve special attention. Hell Micheal Moore is only blogrolled. lol I wonder what he would think about that lol.
Love and Light,
Out of curiosity, do you use an aggregator to read all the blogs?
Thank you, that is a good tip. I appreciate it.