I don’t know about you but I have a very graphic and vivid imagination. Whenever I am reading a person’s blog I cannot help but develop a mental image of them. I picture the way I think they look as well as their voice.
So I always find it quite interesting to discover pictures of the bloggers and or audio clips in which I can hear their voices.
Sometimes I am truly surprised and sometimes I nail it, but it always fun to try.
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That is a good description of my thoughts. It is hard not to be curious.
i picture bloggers from how and what they write and respond to comments. but i also wonder what the enviroment is like around them, the computer they use, how does the room look?
and sometimes i wonder what people imagine the real me (as opposed to my little profile picture identity) to be like!
Sorry for being an egotist, and spoiling your fun (-:
Yup the photo is really me.
Jack could you send me a note on how to create drop down menus for things other than the archives?
Ah, I see.
Jack and Pearl, and anyone else, there’s one picture of me in CAST at my play’s website, where I’m in my street clothes. I didn’t know it, but my mother (G-d Bless Her) found a picture of the whole cast in character, where I look more like a stereotypical rabbi. I’m the one on the farthest right.
I have a picture on my blog but I look nothing like it – thank heavens.
Treppenwitz, I have a strong guess as to who you will unmask. We’ll see if I’m right.
Hey David,
That was kind of fun. Sounds like you all had a good time.
Edgy Mama,
I always make my decisions based upon the writing. If the words are compelling I’ll follow the trail and see what lies around the bend.
I kind of like the mystery of not knowing what other bloggers look like.
Have you ever decided not to read a person’s blog based on their photo?
A previously anonymous blogger’s picture will be revealed on treppenwitz (with her permission).
Stay tuned.
Actually it wasn’t Neil’s pic that prompted this post, but a collection of pics of bloggers that I have seen
in the last week.
It is all so interesting.
So…you saw Neil’s pic; is he how you pictured him? I pictured him more like the cast member Reuven Russell listed above his bio.
Blogging and picturing what bloggers look like is somewhat similar to listening to radio DJ’s. You form a mental picture, and then you’ll see an ad for the radio station picturing a photo of them or the station’ web site with the pics. And boy, sometimes you’re w…a….y…. off in what you were picturing.