If you are curious about some of the things that I think about here are a couple of hints.
I found the discussion that I linked above to be especially interesting given the time of year. Here are a couple more.
Ben Zoma would say: Who is wise? One who learns from every man. As it is written: “From all my teachers I have grown wise, for Your testimonials (eidosecha) are my meditation.â€[1]
Jack's Shack says
Hi Barbara,
Shana tova- all the best to you and your family.
BarbaraFromCalifornia says
Thank you for this inspiration.
May you and yours be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
Jack's Shack says
Be happy that you have a choice. Some of us are “follicly challenged.”
Darla says
Hey Jack,
Well since I wouldn’t be very attractive with my hair falling out I won’t think about it much more. 🙂
Jack's Shack says
Hi Darla,
No need for that. I just like to stretch my mind a little.
Stuff like this can make your hair fall out, but it is fun to mull over.
Stephen (aka Q) says
That “all is foreseen, choice is granted” business causes sends some theologians into seizures.
Darla says
All I can think to say is Wow. I’m in awe of this kind of thinking, what an interesting read. Thanks.