So I broke down and purchased a new computer. I hadn’t intended to do so, but I got fed up with the problems that I was having with the old one. It is almost 5 years old. In computer years it is beyond middle aged and well beyond plastic surgery.
Anyway, the new one is apparently unhappy with its new home and has spent a chunk of time expressing its displeasure with me and its new home. If I didn’t have this laptop there wouldn’t be a written update, just another session of me screaming into audioblogger.
But I do have the laptop and maybe my frustration will be lessened in the morning. I really didn’t get started working on things until around 7 or so on Saturday night and was relatively tired.
Tomorrow will be a brand new day. There, don’t I sound cheery, disgustingly cheery.
Jack's Shack says
Been doing a lot of the same. Thus far we are seeing a little progress.
It is a joy, isn’t it.
Yea, Yea, Yea. Mac, Mac, Mac. 😉
MUST Gum Addict says
The first things I did when I had to use a new hard drive: Installed Norton, downloaded Mozilla Firefox, Spybot, and AdAware, and disabled a lot of crappy processes. I haven’t had almost any problems since, a blessing considering what I used to have.
Wow. That’s a heck of a lot of work to get a computer up and running with “almost” no problems.
Truth is, my heart goes out to you Jack (and you Ezzie as well). I mean, can you just even imagine how the productive the entire world would be if we all used Macs?
Stacey says
Good ideas, Ezzie. Jack, as my bubbe would say, mazal tov on the new PC and use it in the best of health!
ChickyBabe says
I just spent half a day fixing my computer when the registry file got corrupt. I’m just as cheery as you are.
Ezzie says
The first things I did when I had to use a new hard drive: Installed Norton, downloaded Mozilla Firefox, Spybot, and AdAware, and disabled a lot of crappy processes. I haven’t had almost any problems since, a blessing considering what I used to have.