A Pornucopia of Porn Links is what I found on my blog. A couple of weeks ago I noticed on my stat checker that I was receiving a lot of traffic from people searching for some interesting things, some of which are outlawed in most of the red states.
I was a little surprised by this. I am not prude and have written about many things, but I couldn’t recall writing as graphically as the searches seemed to indicate I had. In addition to those search terms, there were a number of names that came up with some degree of regularity.
I finally decided to investigate what the source of this was and found that someone had posted a list of around 100 links to various sites. It had been placed in the archives and for whatever reason I never received notification of about it.
In any case, I nuked the comment but I am still getting hits. Treppenwitz has Schnappi the Krokodil and I have porn star party. Lucky me.
Jack's Shack says
That reptile has a big fan club.
treppenwitz says
funny you should mention it because I still get between 20 – 30 hits a day for the little reptile! 🙂
Jack's Shack says
Yes, my counter was the source of info.
Thanks, I needed that.
Ok, if you say do.
Stacey says
You’re not prude? Yeah, right!
Robbie says
porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn
(just tryin’ to help keep things fun)
Melliferous Pants says
How did you figure out that you had been included on a link list? Did it show up on your site meter?
My potty mouth gets me in trouble…I get at least a few hits a day for b*stiality. ACK!