Made some big decisions about a variety of things that I have been agonizing over. There is a certain amount of relief that comes from determining what direction you choose to head in.
It is too early to determine whether they were right or wrong, but that is life. So now I can breathe a sigh of relief and try to plan for the future.
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Jack's Shack says
Thank you.
Nope, haven’t picked one yet.
Thank you too.
I am sure. 🙂
Stacey says
There is a certain amount of relief that comes from determining what direction you choose to head in
I’ll drink to that!
StepIma says
That’s great – I’m glad it brought you relief
Mirty says
Does that mean you picked a contractor? Have you tried ‘Bud’s Wreck ’em and Deck ’em’ yet?
Regina Clare Jane says
That’s great, Jack- I don’t think big decisions should be judged as right or wrong- it’s what you felt was right to do at the time. Another time you may have made the other choice, but who’s to say even that? Good on ya’, Jack.