When you are as prolific as I am it is easy for posts to get lost in the shuffle. Here are some links/comments about a few that are worth looking at again.
What Are Your Favorite Song Lyrics?-I Love Music
The Day School Dilemma- Paying For Private School -If you are a parent then you are going to have to think long and hard about education. It is a tough decision.
PostSecret– Just because.
Children of the ’70s Raise Your Hands– Whoa.The Salvation Army Bell Ringer Doesn’t Like Me – I need to write part two.
Our Most Effective Man In The War On Terror– I can’t believe that this didn’t receive more comments.The Agony of Defeat- Vinko Bogataj– Vinko deserves more notoriety.
The Latest Dispatch from Daniel Gordis– Worth a second look.
The Paradox of Choice and the Secret to Happiness– Outstanding
And the most popular post of December having received more than 1,000 visits in the last week:
Thanks for doing the background work and giving me some good reading all in one place!