Amishav is responsible for the term Frum Spanking. Just what kind of Tu B’Shvat Seder did he attend. Tikkun Ger wonders about Yentl. Harley is considering Kaddish. Ezzie has his own roundup to read too.
The Shmata Queen loves Snails. Apparently Ezer Knegdo doesn’t live in a warm climate, on the other hand Sarah is enjoying some beautiful weather here in LA.
Soccer Dad has his own roundup too. You can read it If You Must. And just to round out the roundups here is a link to Chaim’s place.
That is it for now. Be careful in your surfing if you don’t look you’re liable to trip over a roundup. Lately they are everywhere.
I do. It is fabulous. I spend large chunks of time outside. This makes it much more pleasant.
just noticed the link! thanks 🙂
you must also be enjoying this nice weather.