Simple question folks. In your time surfing the net you have seen many different blogs. Of all the blogs you have stumbled across, which one had the best name?
(Visited 23 times, 1 visits today)
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." Groucho Marx
Jack's Shack says
That is a good one.
I like it.
I always expect there to be music accompanying that.
Perhaps one day.
why not.
That is a good question. I have to think about it.
Those are good. 😉
Me too.
I have always appreciated that one.
Those are good.
Ezzie says
I posted this once… PsychoToddler. Jewess with Horns.
orieyenta says
I’d say “Life as Orieyenta” because it’s so clever but then I would sound conceited…
So, I’d have to say Psychotoddler.
Miriam L says
I always liked ‘Krum as a Bagel’ as a blog name.
(I left the previous comment under the wrong login, then deleted it.)
Elie says
I always liked “Pillage Idiot”.
marallyn ben moshe says
treppenwitz…by the time i figured out what the hell it meant i was addicted to his blog…oh and of course jack’s shack!!! 🙂
Jameel says
The Muqata, obviously.
The Misanthrope says
I am rather partial to Toner Mishap, but I would be curious as to your favorite excluding your own.
Mark says
Jewish Blogmeister says
umm….jack’s shack?
Liorah-Lleucu says
There are lots of good ones out there. Yours, Jack, is not among them. Your blog title really needs an overhaul.
Holy Hyrax says
Hall of the Goblin King
Rhea says
There are so many clever blog names. There are many I wish I’d thought up myself. But if I had to narrow it down to my favorite, I would say: Mommy’s Busy, Take a Number.
Soccer Dad says
Secular Blasphemy.
I like oxymorons.