And he said, “Let me tell you a secret about a father’s love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us.”
He said, “Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then.
It’s a love without end, amen, it’s a love without end, amen.”
George Strait
Welcome to the June 17, 2007 edition of Haveil Havalim. It is Father’s Day so you’ll have to indulge me as I jump in with links to two of my own posts called A Father’s Day Post and Father’s Love Their Daddies Too.
For many reasons it has been a particularly difficult week so I apologize that this edition is not up to snuff. But per my own father’s guidance I have given it my best effort. Sometimes that is all you can do.
And now on to the show:
As our opening act I offer for your consumption Question & Answer With MoChassid – Are You A Good Father? To which I add my own question. At what point do we make our analysis of our performance as fathers. Do we have an annual review. Should there be some sort of report card. Ok, it is a bit tongue in cheek, but still I wonder about this kind of stuff. It is good blog fodder.
Frum With Questions presents How many Rabbits does it take to make a black hat?
Sometimes Rafi wonders how honest are we really? Orieyenta reminds us that Jews Come in All Colors.
Fortunately I have never suffered from Simcha Blisters. Cosmic X presents The Joy Of Doing A Mitzvah. Nuch Epes Ah Chosid presents Hut Bitachon. Vet Alles Zein Gut – (Have belief everything will be ok)
Ari’s blog presents Are Out-Of-Town Communities Viable? Yitzchak Goodman presents The Clearance Sale on Silver Linings. Avrohom offered PILEGESH – Yevamos 37 – Daf Yomi and Dixie Yid presents Chochma vs. Bina – Practical Manifestations.
Dag presents Standards for Jewish schools and organizations. A Simple Jew presents Theft Or Tax Evasion? – Getting To Bottom Of A Chassidic Story. Malachi Rothschild presents When Relevance Trumps Tradition.
Every now and then we all wish we had superpowers. Maybe that is why Mom blogged about The truth about the Jewish superwoman. I think that this would make a great name for a band: Ten Minutes A Day For Tikkun Olam With “The Five Tibetans.”
I don’t know, maybe we should ask the guy who wrote Jewish Music Insider: Shwekey: Sibling Rivalry?
A lack of sleep might make you Babel Brained and Bobble Headed by: Schvach Yid. Someone once told me that California would be the setting for a modern version of Korach. Muse has her own thoughts Korach, a Kadima kind of Guy.
Jewish Atheist provides an explanation called Why We Leave Orthodoxy. Maybe he just wanted to Upgrade to Cohen. If nothing else we know that he escaped the Yeshiva life. The title of this next post just begs you to read it. I’m an Orthodox Jew, my brother-in-law is a Fundamentalist Christian – Shawarma brought us together
Mark Freedman, MD presents A CUT BELOW posted at Bunk.
Soccer Dad presents The Endless Car Chase. muse presents Yoni’s Photos of the pilgrimage to the graves of Yehoshua Bin Nun & Calev Ben Yfune and HOMELESS in Jerusalem!
Yid With Lid offered Barak, Peres and Olmert, the Trifecta of Israeli Disasters and Palestinians Finally Support a Two State Solution.
I thought that the X-Ray machine is supposed to help prevent terror attacks. Elder of Ziyon blogged about The Calm in Gaza. The good people went to visit Arafat’s old homestead. Meryl covered that little ditty here.
Solomonia covered the chaos in Gaza too. Gail has a good cartoon about the situation.
Gilad Shalit is not forgotten as Olah Chadasha presents One Year Since You Been Gone. Israel Matzav blogged about this too Gilad Shalit’s kidnappers, murderers of Americans on ‘Palestinian Authority’ payroll.
Ben-Yehudah presents Peres wins Presidency and The S’deroth Conspiracy. Speaking of Peres here is Israel’s new President – in his own words.
The title of this next post reminds me of the old movie Poltergeist. They’re Still Here. Muse presents Nothing exciting can be good news! posted at Shiloh Musings.
Friar Yid presents Hamastan Good for the Jews? Not likely. Daled Amos offered his thoughts here.
SnoopyTheGoon presents Now for some carefully expressed glee and What a punch line!
Bookworm provided a link to a Must See Internet Slideshow and Has Israel got the Palestinians where it wants them?
Daniel Pipes wrote about The Soviets Six-Day War.
Assorted Topics and Miscellanea:
Here is an example of a real mensch. Me-Ander came face to face with…. a famous jblogger. This next post is heart wrenching. I still love you more than life itself…
Ocean Guy discussed War With Iran. Jameel offered a post about this too. Robert Avrech offered Home and Tolerance In Indonesia.
Some would say that What Was Lost Might Yet Be Found. Or perhaps Lost and Found is the way to go.
And now it is time for an Announcement & Blog FAQS. What were you doing Ten Years Ago.
Have you ever met Flat Shloimie?
Ezzie blogged about cleveland winning the championship. It was a tremendous victory.
Jewlicious found a boy who doesn’t have a career in singing, perhaps performance art. Perhaps you’d be interested in seeing Homer versus the Golem. Irina presents In Which I See a Painfully Familiar Face.
Where Would You Honeymoon? After 30 years do they still remember their honeymoon. Go say Mazal Tov to Shira. Do the same for Psychotoddler. Is it just me or does he look like a baby in those pictures. Whoa. At least we know that in Mrs. B he didn’t make a poor choice.
The Second To Last Day Of School used to make me crazy. I couldn’t wait for vacation and the opportunity to go to a Summerfest. Or maybe I’d attend a blogger meet and greet. It is a Roomba not a Rhumba.
Call me crazy but I think that there just might be a problem with stealing home in the holyland. I also wonder Have You Made Friends Through Blogging?
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
P.S. This may be updated throughout the day so be sure to check back in and don’t forget to help promote this on your own blogs.
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Great job. Ten years ago right now – we were in Australia! Not kidding! 🙂
Great work, as always.
thank u very much!!! and thanks so much for including me
Great job – thanks for the inclusion!
Outstanding job. Happy Father’s Day.
great job!
That’s a fantastic collection of posts. Thank you for including mine.
Wonderful job! I can see I have lots of reading to do today!
Great job and thanks for the link!
Thanks Jack. Lots to look into here. Not just a good effort but a terrific job.
Hi Jack,
Thanks for including my post:
Much appreciated!
Great job! Thanks for the link!
Fantastic as always…
Thank you for hosting this, despite your difficult week. You did a great job!
All the best,
B”H Thanks for hosting, Jack! Cute title. It may be “Abbas’ Day,” but it’s definitely NOT “Abbas’s day,” if you get my drift…. 😉
Well done, but Me-Ander is a she (see “Muse”).
Wonderful, thanks for the links, but it’s a tough act to follow!
well done 🙂
great job, Jack