I haven’t written about her for a whole variety of reasons, not the least of which has been time. But I thought that I would point out a link that I think is worth a look. Bookworm has a post that caught my eye because it was sensible.
The grouchy old bear pointed me to this article on WND. It contains all sorts of gems such as:
America is still quite friendly towards Jews, but the incessant attacks on Christianity by the likes of Deutsch, Forman and Abe Foxman have grown increasingly tiresome. Given this irritating behavior, and the historical fact that Jews have worn out their welcome in literally dozens of countries over the centuries, it is the height of foolishness for a small number of misguided individuals to demand that 80 percent of the American population remain silent about the tenets of its religious faith. Christians are dying for their faith in the Sudan, in North Korea, in China, Vietnam and Myanmar; they are not about to shut their mouths simply because a few Jews in the media disapprove of their beliefs.
Despite its flaws, America has been one of the best friends the Jews have ever had. It would not only be a tragedy, it would be a stupid and wasteful one if Americans were provoked into developing the instinctive anti-semitism that currently pervades Europe, the Middle East and so much of the rest of the world.
I do believe that we were just told to shut up and sit in the back of the bus, not to mention that the ignoramus repeats common antisemitic canards to try and make his point.
Well Voxy, Jews have been dying for our faith for quite a spell longer than you, but that is not the point. And frankly there is a disconnect between citing anti-Xtian issues in foreign countries in the context of this story. There is no correlation between the two. That is just a red herring.
Cutting to the chase, I don’t really care all that much about Coulter’s comments. I think that they were ignorant, unfounded and that they foster discord. She likes that kind of thing, so let her feel the results of her comments.
But the remarks you made were asinine and unreasonable. There is no war on Xtianity in the U.S. It may make you feel badly that people ask that the US Constitution be upheld. It may make you feel badly that some people prefer not to have religion stuffed in their face, but that is just too damned bad.
A woman who “dresses like a slut?” Are you serious? What does that even mean? If power structures weren’t as they are, that concept wouldn’t even exist.
A woman should be able to dress how she pleases and go where she likes without fear that a man will take advantage of the fact that he is stronger than her.
I can’t believe your ignorance and that you don’t see how dress is so completely irrelevant and you suggesting that it is is so damaging and backwards. This is the type of thinking that keeps us where we are in terms of social inequalities.
A man should never be justified to any extent for taking what hasn’t been consented. To suggest he was “confused” by the signals he was getting is just deluded. Rape is not that. Only a man who has been raised to think he is entitled to access to a woman’s body would suffer this kind of “confusion.”
The worst thing is, victim blaming goes even much much further than this type of gendered double standard on behaviors that supposedly invite trouble.
A woman could be in her own home and get raped and people will say, “well you shouldn’t have answered the door.” or “why didn’t you have a THIRD dead bolt knowing the neighborhood you live in.”
Or have you forgotten that the nice white people who came to the states did so because they were fleeing oppression.
Not to be tangential, but one of my favorite cartoons of all time (sorry, couldn’t find an image with a cursory search)is a one-panel editorial cartoon that has a bunch of porky white politician types saying, “It’s time to rid American of illegal immigrants!” and a Native American standing to the right holding out a suitcase, saying, dryly, “I’ll help you pack.”
Insecure people often feel the need to try and make them feel better by behaving exactly as he has.
She is something else.
Ignore her and she’ll fade away
If only it were that easy.
It’s all about context which you sorely missed.
It is not context. Alice got it right.
Good question.
Women who dress like sluts may produce an unintended consequence, just like one who travels down a dark alley at night or leaves with a bunch of liquored up men.
If you think I am making an excuse for the actions of men I most certainly am not. I am, though, pointing out a fact.
You are not pointing out a fact. You are demonstrating incredible ignorance.
Given this irritating behavior, and the historical fact that Jews have worn out their welcome in literally dozens of countries over the centuries, it is the height of foolishness for a small number of misguided individuals to demand that 80 percent of the American population remain silent about the tenets of its religious faith
No jackass. There is nothing tolerant about such statements. The Jewish citizens of the US have the same rights as anyone else. We don’t live here because you tolerate us. You don’t have any special right or power.
Based upon your flawed logic I should be allowed to kick the crap out of you. Why? Because you offended me. Don’t get it, let me tell you a story.
Once there was a man who went to a party. While at the party he insulted many people. Eventually one of the guests punched him in the mouth, kicked him in the pants and then threw him in the street.
Now do you think that his insulting the people there was wise.
the incessant attacks on Christianity by the likes of Deutsch, Forman and Abe Foxman.
Sometimes I am not such a gracious host, so listen up monkey boy. You aren’t half as smart as you think you are. I’d like to speak to the principal of your high school because your diploma should be revoked.
There is no war on christians in the U.S. It is pure unadulterated propaganda, or as they say in Texas, it is bullshit.
So slink back to your master’s lair and ask him to feed you his latest talking points.
While you are at it try and get some facts to use in your specious arguments.
And just to reiterate, we are not here because the lords of the manner tolerate our presence. You are no better than us.
Or have you forgotten that the nice white people who came to the states did so because they were fleeing oppression.
Parse that for a while and see what comes of it.
Alice, does dressing like a slut increase or decrease the chance of being raped?
salt: Alice’s point, which remains, is that dressing like a slut has, in fact, ZERO effect on being raped. Rape is not a crime about sexuality, it is a crime of power, in which some persons get and exercise physical power over others. That’s why men get raped, too. It has nothing to do with how one dresses, what one’s age is, or where one is at the time. In point of fact, according to Peggy Sanday, rape rates tend to be highest near fraternities, and in one’s own home -and more to the point, one out of every four women are sexually assaulted during their lifetime.
yes, it’s foolish for young women to go to fraternity houses for parties, but can you argue that it’s foolish for them to go at any time? Is it foolish to take all your clothes off before you get into the shower at home? To sleep naked or in scanty clothing? Most rapes are in fact committed by people known to the victim, NOT by strangers – is it then stupid to go out in public? How far should we take this? Instead of changing our society so that violent sex isn’t celebrated in our media and culture, which is what we’re not doing, people start throwing around the old canards about how women dress. But the fact of the matter is, it makes no difference.
Alice, with all due respect, you miss the point entirely.
Rape is not the point nor the discussion. What escapes you is that actions often have unintended consequences and one should be cognizant of that fact.
You appear to lack the ability to parse what is truly being discussed in favor of cherry picking some statement which is not in itself the point being made at all.
Old ladies get raped. Children get raped. Unattractive women get raped. Beautiful women who dress modestly get raped. Basically anywhere men and women are together- in the most vague sense of the word- women get raped.
Within the context of what this OP is about, what is your point? That women do get raped? What does that have to do with one’s actions increasing or decreasing the likelihood of suffering an unintended consequence? You could not even parse what I wrote –
Frankly, it shows how ignorant you are that you think women who are raped are people who have dressed like ‘sluts’.
Alice, does dressing like a slut increase or decrease the chance of being raped?
Many years ago I was at a party where one young woman who had been drinking left in an automobile with 5 young men who also had been drinking. She had been flirting with everyone at the party. She was warned not to go, but the warning went unheeded.
Now, would you say that her decision to leave with those men was smart?
The problem lies in males who don’t want to take responsibility for their behavior- and those who make excuses for them. – Alice
What excuse would you make for her behavior which may have led to an unintended consequence?
You may wish to reread my original comment.
Women who dress like sluts may produce an unintended consequence, just like one who travels down a dark alley at night or leaves with a bunch of liquored up men.
If you think I am making an excuse for the actions of men I most certainly am not. I am, though, pointing out a fact.
Getting back to the OP and what Vox was getting at,
America is still quite friendly towards Jews, but the incessant attacks on Christianity by the likes of Deutsch, Forman and Abe Foxman have grown increasingly tiresome
is merely pointing out that, and if I might use another example –
One man in the town where I live has been kicked out of every bar in town. Even the morning coffee shops have told him to leave. Why? Because his rhetoric and attitude have invited the unintended consequence he now suffers. He wore out his welcome. Tolerance only goes so far.
Perhaps you might now better understand –
Given this irritating behavior, and the historical fact that Jews have worn out their welcome in literally dozens of countries over the centuries, it is the height of foolishness for a small number of misguided individuals to demand that 80 percent of the American population remain silent about the tenets of its religious faith
Another example one can point to is illegal immigrants. There have always been illegal immigrants but not until recently have they been in such numbers and so vocal as to begin wearing out their welcome, both in costs and rhetoric.
re: Mark –
Mark said…
Why do people like Salt and Coukter assume that Jews are alwa6ys “guests” in other peoples’ countries, instead of millenia-old citizens in good standing?
Most are. But they too are suffering the unintended consequences of the incessant attacks on Christianity by the likes of Deutsch, Forman and Abe Foxman.
As to Coulter, since you appear to not be capable of parsing what she was saying…
Why do people like Salt and Coukter assume that Jews are alwa6ys “guests” in other peoples’ countries, instead of millenia-old citizens in good standing?
Ignorant pricks, both of them.
I don’t make excuses for rapists. Frankly, it shows how ignorant you are that you think women who are raped are people who have dressed like ‘sluts’. Old ladies get raped. Children get raped. Unattractive women get raped. Beautiful women who dress modestly get raped. Basically anywhere men and women are together- in the most vague sense of the word- women get raped. The problem lies in males who don’t want to take responsibility for their behavior- and those who make excuses for them.
I don’t make excuses for people who hate Jews, either.
“Worn out their welcome” equals “It’s your fault people kill you.” Pure anti-semitism. Plain and simple.
I guess this person blames women for being raped, etc.
Acts have consequences. For example, a women dressing like a slut is not a pardon for her rapist, but if dressing like a slut gave the rapist the desire to rape her what does that say about her dressing like a slut?
It’s all about context which you sorely missed.
I don’t know why people have to rag on Coulter for the way she looks, and I have particularly irritated feelings for people who insult women’s views by calling them sexual epithets (the ones here were at least pretty mild) and most especially since Coulter is a first class moron and doesn’t need to be derided according to gender. Her idiocy speaks for itself. If she said the sky was blue, I’d go check; and my generl assumption on her is mouth moving=stupid comment.
Why we all feel the need to give her more publicity is beyond me. Ignore her and she’ll fade away, which is all she deserves, along with all the other right wing reactionary bozos.
I saw her on O’Reilly last night. Just more spin. No recant. She’s just a horse-faced twit with a bad dye job and way too much make-up.
I would like to point out that Vox lets everyone know he’s a member of Mensa on his blog. Which of course means he’s a moron. Not that I needed further evidence of this.
“Worn out their welcome” equals “It’s your fault people kill you.” Pure anti-semitism. Plain and simple.
I guess this person blames women for being raped, etc.