My buddy Attila has often provided me with some outstanding blog fodder and today he has done it again. Thanks to the big Hun I have learned about the Toilet Forehead Support System.
Now I am sure that the ladies are shaking their heads in amazement, if not envy. You can’t possibly imagine how hard it is to stand at a urinal and take care of your business. Sometimes it is simply exhausting.
In fact this is such a big deal to us big boys that the esteemed Air Time once asked for more Urinal Talk. Just in case you are one of the sad few who missed out on that here is a list of posts you might want to check out.
And let’s not forget Toner Mishap’s Urinal Selection Strategy or Treppenwitz’s Glow In the Dark Urine and Urine Invisibility Cloaks.
By now I am sure that you are beginning to understand why we men get so excited at the thought of being able to rest during this arduous task.
As much as I would like to elaborate further upon this I have to get back to taking care of some pressing national security issues. But before I leave I’d like to share one more observation. Many people have said that I have provided lots of bathroom blogging.
However today I realized that I am not nearly as skilled as the wacky Red Sox fan who haunts Aisle Eight. As I sifted through his site I found what seemed like an endless number of potty posts.
It is quite clear that I am but the novice and so I tip my hat to the Great John himself.
Your humble Servant.
I am with you.
Someone is definitely going to be rich with that invention.
The ladies urinal, I don’t know. I just can’t get used to the idea of a lady peeing like a man. It’s well, unladylike! (yeah, I know, I’m a bloody chauvinist. I still open doors for women because that’s how I was brought up)
I’d say it is a dirty job, but you already knew that. 😉
A forehead rest? Who’s gonna keep it clean? The janitor, that’s who!
Well, now I’m pissed!