Somewhere in the annals of history there is an award that is given out for the brave, the bold and the stupid. Don’t ask me what that means or why, I am a blogger. A blogger who for six years has run around writing about the serious and the sublime. A man on a mission who has produced more content than 27 ordinary bloggers could do while hopped on speed.
There is no real significance to that. No rewards to be reaped from such production other than those I give to myself. Not much to gather from any of that other than a measure of my own madness. Really, who spends six years writing all this crap and more importantly who reads it and why.
Ok, if I can allow myself to get by the self deprecation I’ll dip my toe into the waters and be serious for a few minutes. Every year I write a post celebrating my blogiversary and hope that I come up with something meaningful, something significant and noteworthy.
The real point of the blogiversary post is to be introspective and reflective about my blogging experience. It is a chance for me to take some time to evaluate my work. Not that I don’t do that anyway, but in theory this is the time for the yearly review. The time when I decide whether the blog deserves a raise or a written warning. The time when I think about whether I should change the focus.
Anyway, I have wasted enough words on this post. Thank you to all who spend time here, it is appreciated.
If you want to know what other nonsense I have come up with for blogiversary posts you can click on the links below:
A Blogiversary
Happy Blogivesary To Me
My Third Blogiversary- Not Quite a Farewell
My Fourth Blogiversary- What Do I have To Say
Happy Blogiversary Jack
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