Here is a quick snapshot of some recent posts. Got a couple of very cool things percolating inside the melon that I call my head. So if you are wondering what I might be thinking you can choose to do one of the following:
1) Stay tuned to this Bat Channel and read whatever it is I write.
2) Email me and ask questions.
3) Text, Telephone and or Telegrams are optional
- Becoming a Dad
- The Fall From Grace
- 81-year-old sweethearts reunite after 62 years
- Remnants, Memories and Magic
- Bitter Betrayal or Simple Misunderstanding
- Musical Morning
- The Day She Left
And for your blast from the past you might wish to read:
My Parents Purchased Cemetery Plots
A Secret For My Children
I Yelled At G-d
M.L.B.F.- Music To Put Me To Sleep
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