If you spend any time on Twitter you probably have noticed that 87.3% of your followers claim to be social media experts. And you certainly have been exposed to numerous posts, essays, tweets and claims about the power of social media.
There is no doubt that you can use the power of social media to accomplish quite a bit. But there is a fundamental issue that many people ignore or gloss over.
Power in social media is derived from your ability to convince others to respond to a call to action.
If your readers/followers don’t respond to your requests for action than it really doesn’t matter whether you have one or a million.
Hi Debra,
I have always liked that quote. Reminds me of being a little boy and hearing stories about chayalim saying acharai.
My recent post Do you Have Blog Envy
You don't give yourself enough credit. I am sure that you understand it better than you realize.
I completely agree with your point about power in social media is derived from the ability to convince others to respond to a call to action.
Reminds me of a similar analogy: A great leader inspires others to act, but a leader without followers is no leader.
My recent post The Real Social Media Expert is the Experimenter
Even as a blogger I am afraid that I will never really get social media. Eventually I will be just left behind.