Administrative Notes:
It should be noted that this edition may contain opinions that I disagree with. A blog carnival is a collection of posts from bloggers. This one focuses on the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere. We are no different than any other group of people in that the opinions swing from the far left to the far right. I prefer not to censor voices that I disagree with. I may find your opinion to be misguided, foolish and based on the sort of logic that makes the wise men of Chelm seem like Rhodes Scholars, but you are probably included.
Nor does inclusion mean that I think that all voices are entitled to a forum because they are not. Yet sometimes it is important to display those posts that we think are wrong because they speak for themselves, because they are like the proverbial, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Yes, some of your posts are indeed worth a thousand words but bear in mind that isn’t always a compliment.
Welcome to the 301st edition of haveil havalim. In many editions you might read the following:
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs — a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It’s hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack.
Except, I feel kind of funny talking about myself in the third person so… This week was going to be hosted by Frume Sarah but she is ill and so I stepped in. Drop by her blog and wish a Refuah Shleimah.
Anyhoo, I have a house filled with boys, ten year-old boys to be precise. They are here for a slumber party and if you listen carefully you can hear them shrieking, screaming and engaging in all sorts of rambunctious behavior. It is all age appropriate, but I am shell shocked from it. Â Sometime soon I need to host this thing again when I have time to do a proper job of it.
I’ll start by promoting one of my posts called, Whiny Bloggers Quit Because It Was Work. Believe it or not, I can build a whole shiur around this. Perhaps we’ll save that for a later date. And now on to the rest of the carnival.
Mordechai Torczyner presents Repent! Signed, Anonymous.
Home Shuling presents Jewish children’s books for grown-ups. And a give-away.
Avi Green presents The Four Color Media Monitor: Detective Comics Annual 12: Batman hires an Islamist.
Home Shuling presents The best Jewish children’s book of the year – says who?
Benji Lovitt presents ‘Didja Hear the One about Bibi and the Chocolate Shawarma?’
Avi Green presents Meet Rami Levy, Zionist entrepreneur posted at Tel-Chai Nation.
Batya presents Jews and Arabs, Can We Live Together-Nearby Peaceably?
Yisroel presents Tu B’Shvat in Israel (My First!) posted at Artzeinu.
Susan Barnes presents Discovering Meaning in Ritual.
Chavi presents What to Do If You Question the Validity of Your Conversion and Status Wars: Not Nearly as Fun as Star Wars posted at You’re Not Crazy.
Cosmic X presents Five Levels of Pleasure.
Mirjam Weiss presents Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates posted at Miriyummy.
Elle presents righting our wrongs posted at On Becoming Devoted.
Avi Green presents Israeli site reports on the JLA/99 subject posted at The Four Color Media Monitor.
SnoopyTheGoon presents A short keen for Israeli Labor party posted at SimplyJews.
Elise/ Independent Patriot presents Lawfare: From Wansee to the Present posted atLiberty’s Spirit.
Cosmic X presents Gideon Levy’s Intermarried Messiah Lets Him Down posted at****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem ******.
Avi Green presents French FM attacked for country’s support of Gilad Shalit posted atTel-Chai Nation.
Allison Josephs presents The Maccabeats: A Modern Day Chanukah Miracle? | Jew In The City posted at Jew in the City.
leah aharoni presents The Incredible Edible Tu Beshvat Kid Craft posted atIngathered.
Allison Josephs presents You’re Covered: God’s Presence is Closer Than You Think posted at Jew in the City.
Batya presents Breaking The #1 Safety Rule and Surviving posted at Shiloh Musings.
Challah Hu Akbar presents Internationalizing the Temple Mount posted at Challah Hu Akbar.
Challah Hu Akbar presents Spain & USAID Involved with ‘Travel to Palestine’ Website that Eliminates Israel – Update posted at Challah Hu Akbar.
A Soldier’s Mother presents Rockets are Falling Again posted at A Soldier’s Mother.
Batya presents Dramatic, Photogenic, But No Connection to Their Cause.
davebender presents Israel: ‘Can You Do This Where You Live?’ posted at Israel At Level Ground.
Rivkah presents Dear FeistyFrummy and This Would Never Happen in America posted at Bat Aliyah.
westbankmama presents Assertiveness Training ? Part 2 and Assertiveness Training ? Part 3.”
Sara Layah Shomron presents Gush Katif Education Week: Remembering is the First Step to Rebuilding posted at Shiloh Musings.
Daniel Ben Shmuel presents “Brother Esau” posted at THE JEWISH FIST: A Call to Resurrect the Jewish Scholar-Warrior of Old.
harry presents The end of the line on Jaffa Road posted at Israelity and From Sudan to Jerusalem posted at Israelity.
harry presents Munich memories posted at Israelity.
Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel – January 17, 2011 (Section 1) and (Section 2).
Jewish music
Rivki @ life in the married lane presents I am a rock-star mommy (and you can be one, too).
Lady-Light presents Tu b’Shevat and the Holiness of the Land of Israel.
Ben-Yehudah presents Two Rabbis On Messianism.
Rachel Barenblat presents A Short Haggadah for Tu BiShvat.
Batya presents The Fun of Living Here in Israel, A Jewish Country posted at me-ander.
Mirjam Weiss presents No Awful Offal posted at Miriyummy, saying, “Memories of preparing for Shabbat — nothing tastes as wonderful as a memory.”
Rahel presents Elms in the Yard.
Batya presents Haunted Simcha (Joyous Event).
David Tzohar presents Pharaoh’s plea to the heavenly court: “G-d made me do it”.
Rivki @ life in the married lane presents Torah Tuesdays ? No pain, no gain.
Daniel Ben Shmuel presents Why Did The Feminist Chicken Cross The Road?
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Thanks for including the posts I submitted.
Thanks Avi, your participation helps keep HH going.
…Been sick (still)…almost missed this. Thank you for taking over and including my link. (I did wish her a refu’ah shelemah, btw.)
You be well, Jack.
Refuah Shleimah to you as well.
It is my pleasure.
Thanks for saving the day Jack. And thanks for including my posts.
Thanks so much for including me this week 🙂
Thank you for helping to keep HH going.
Awesome! Thanks for including my posts. May I ask where #300 went? Just curious.
You can find it at:
Thanks for hosting and for including my post. Also, that was a good comment about post inclusion.
Haveil Havalim #301 Is Up!
As they say in the old country, “Next year in Westwood or at Kerckhoff.” Who can remember. 😉
Thanks for including my posts! Great edition.
Happy to do so.
Thanks for stepping in and for including my posts, which I hope are only worth a few words instead of a thousand.
I appreciate your participation.
Good stuff. Cheers.
Thank you.
Thanks for including my post.
My pleasure.
Great job. Thanks for including my posts.