Best of the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere #303

Welcome to the February 6, 2011 edition of haveil havalim. Here is the standard boilerplate

Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs — a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It’s hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by me.

My apologies for not having a more comprehensive HH, but I have been jammed for time so this sort of a makeshift, thrown together deal. We need hosts. It would be great if you could help carry the load along with the others who have stepped up. And now on to our carnival:

The Rebbetzin’s Husband presents What Parents Do and Defrocking a chassid. Kiss a Mezuzah, one of our newer hosts and someone who has helped quite a bit presents My Rabbi Made Me Buy an iPhone

Israelity shared Cow chocolate, Just another day in the neighborhood and Egypt revolt strangely missing Israeli element.

Seraphic Secret offers Israel, Alone Again. Daniel Ben Shmuel presents Reflections on “Meraglim” (the documentary) and Animal Day In Egypt

Michael Lemming presents The Rabbi Lemming Radio Show-“Crying For Egypt”. Ezzie shared The Kotel in 1932


Eli presents Forgive and The Jewish Chronicle – Local couple to hold Twitter organized wedding in Israel

Cosmic X presents Arutz Sheva Interviews MK Einat Wilf and From Song to Song. Chavi presents Convert Rants: Discouraging the Conversion Candidate

Rabbi Yonah blogged about the Sklar Brothers at the coming Jewlicious Festival. Netanel presents Getting Closer

Josh Waxman presents Why I am in favor of murex techelet, pt ii and Should one study secular subjects, independently of Torah?

Nina blogged about The Rise of Reformadox Judaism. Reggie Perrin presents The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara by David Kertzer. Chaviva might have experienced A Mikvah Miracle?

A Mother In Israel shared Video: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates “Taliban Women”


Batya presents Only In Israel Are There Bus Drivers So Great. I don’t know about some of these Red Sox fans and their East Coast driving skills. 😉 The Kosher Cooking Carnival is live.Speaking of recipes you can find A Frugal Ima Frugal Recipe: Thai-Ish Chickpeas’.

At Ima2seven there is It Could Always Be Worse. Maybe we should all work on Celebrating the BIG Stuff. Jessica Gottlieb writes about Motherhood and that Sinking Feeling, which if you ask me is a parenting feeling.

Benji Lovitt presents It’s The ”I’m Homeless” Comedy Tour! and WWZ Vlog #5: Apartment Fire? ‘NOOOO PROH-BLEM!!! Check out Simply Jews Mossad’s Egypt dept: more clarity, please, folks
The Ima is on maternity leave. Check out her Snippets. Someone is doing Jewish Birthday Math.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. The Rebbetzin's Husband February 7, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Thanks as always, and I hope to link soon.

  2. phyllis February 7, 2011 at 2:49 am

    Aw, thanks for putting me in! Great job, as always!

  3. Nina February 6, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    Oh wow! Thank you for including me, Jack!

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