I have a long list of items to teach my children but here is an incomplete list of things that I want to teach them.
- Laugh, love and learn always and forever.
- Never forget to hold your friends and family close to you.
- A good hug can change your day. Everyone needs a hug. We all need to touch, to be held and to feel loved.
- The majority opinion is not always right nor the most moral/ethical.
- Some things are worth fighting for and some are not. The hard part is discerning which is which.
- You can never read too many books but you must always supplement your reading/education by doing.
- Travel and interact with the world around you.
- Learn to speak more than one language.
- Play a team sport and learn how to be a team player.
- Understand that life is a journey and that half the fun is indeed getting there.
- Life is filled with moments, some good and some bad. Just remember this too shall pass.
- If saying goodbye doesn’t hurt then whatever it was probably wasn’t worth much.
- Take pictures of friends, places and loved ones. They’ll help preserve some great memories.
- Try not to grow up too quickly. Childhood is but a short time.
- Look for magic.
- Don’t be afraid to take a chance. Experiment, love and learn.
- Sometimes you need to repeat and redo to learn the lesson. Be open.
- Don’t put a healthy head in a sick bed.
- Take care of your body now so that it is easier to take care of later.
- There is a difference between rebelling just to rebel and standing up for what is right.
- Dad repeats himself…often. There is always a purpose and a reason for this.
- Be present and live today. That doesn’t mean ignore the future or the past- but remember now is what is happening and tomorrow may never come. Find the balance.
- Remember that you may not always agree with your parents but they also are looking out for your best interests.
Originally posted here and here.
Ok readers, what is missing? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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This is a great list. I feel like I spend a lot of times on #5 with my little boys these days!
@vic39first Same thing in my home. Sibling are masters at fighting over nonsense.
um…when you’re done teaching them can you teach me? oh wait…maybe you just did. love this post!
@Christine@QuasiAgitato This is the sort of list post that I really enjoy. I like hearing from all the other parents- so much to learn.
Go. Do. Have Fun but remember if anything happens to you my life is over..so be mindful out there.
Great list I especially liked: You can never read too many books but you must always supplement your reading/education by doing.
@Katybeth You are so right about that first line. I wonder/worry about that sometimes more than I should,
I am a big believer in doing. The theoretical must be tested with practical application.
Great things to teach your children. You kids are lucky to have a dad like you!
One of the things I have added for my son is “How do we make the lemonade?”… When life hands us the lemons. He gets so upset when things don’ go as planned so I always ask this to the point of where one day things were not going my way… And he chimed in and said “Mama, you gotta make the leomonade!” Precious.
thanks for sharing!Rajka
@Ari Herzog That is solid. Fear and change aren’t ever going to disappear so why not embrace them.
Embrace change and face fear with arms wide open.
Figured I’d pop over here.
@Hajra It is like JK said, we always have a purpose and a reason for the repetition. Listen to your father, he is a smart man. 😉
Hey Jack,
Right on! Just perfect… I am sending this over to my sister, she has two little kids and this is the perfect list to look at! Children today live in a more complex world; and parents are the light that guides them through!
Also, daddies repeat themselves way too often; my dad still tells me this ” Evil lurks everywhere; be back home by nine!” Daddies!
@Jk Allen Hi JK. There is always a purpose and should hell freeze over and a day come when there wasn’t-I wouldn’t admit it. 😉
Seriously though, some things are worth repeating so that we are confident that they were heard and understood.
@Lori Hi Lori. I like the idea of riding the waves. It doesn’t hurt that I love the beach either.
I think that your cousin’s comment has a lot of wisdom in it. If we can spend the majority of time in places that we are sad to leave it makes life a little bit more interesting.
@DaddyNatal Absolutely. The day you give up hope is a sad day indeed. Life without hope would be such drudgery.
@BetsyKCross With a little help from our friend- isn’t that how life is supposed to work. I like the idea of wishing out loud and sharing it with family.
Hey Jack!
I love the list. I can’t say that anything is missing…
I loved #21 -Dad repeats himself…often. There is always a purpose and a reason for this.
My kids are always telling me…”you already told me that”…
There’s always a purpose though, isn’t there!
Hi Jack,
Your #12 reminds me of something my cousin once said in jest: “Why would you want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be sad to leave?” Yet we HATE the leaving, at least I do.
I’d teach them to ride the waves – it goes up and down but it does go up again! And to find the joy in the midst of whatever is happening.
Your hopes may not always be realised, but you should always hope
When you blow out your birthday candles or wish upon a star, say the wish out loud for everyone to hear, That’s how wishes come true…with a little help from your friends.
@cathy.reaves So very true and important to remember.
@marianne.worley I like that. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can do that very thing.
How about this: Always listen more than you speak.
Best lesson ever taught me by my Uncle – Life isn’t fair.