August has been one hell of a month. Buried my grandfather, celebrated my sister’s wedding, went on vacation and moved. Ok, haven’t officially moved yet but are in the process of doing so. Is it fair to say that I have some severe attachment to social media? Don’t answer that question because we all know it is yes. I am taking a ten minute break from shlepping furniture on my back to share some thoughts and music.
Got friends and family battening down the hatches because of Hurricane Irene. Had others who called me to ask me what to do in an earthquake and responded with a friendly reminder that we eat 5.8 for breakfast. Try a 7.1 on for size, that my friends is a different sort of animal.
So I had intended to set up a playlist for moving but didn’t manage to make it happen. But the good news for you is that I am going to share partial list of what I have been listening to.
- Forever Young- Bob Dylan
- Rain In The Summertime- The Alarm
- Time To Say Goodbye- Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
- Wake Up- Arcade Fire
- Rebel Yell- Billy Idol
- Into The Ocean- Blue October
- Do You Wanna Hold Me- Bow Wow Wow
- Everything I Own- Bread
- You know My Name- Chris Cornell
- Southern Cross- Crosby Stills and Nash
- Black Celebration- Depeche Mode
- Can’t Get It Out Of My Head- ELO
- Right Here, Right Now- Fatboy Slim
- Right Now- Van Halen
- Cosmic Love- Florence and the Machine
- Without You Here- Googoo Dolls
- Brokeback Mountain- Theme
- How You Like Me Now- The Heavy
- This Time- John Legend
- The Gambler- Kenny Rogers
- The Mummers Dance- Lorenna McKennit
- If Today Was Your Last Day- Nickelback
- I Would Die For You- Prince
- Killing The Blues- Robert Plant & Allison Krauss
- Crying- Roy Orbison
- I Was Wrong- Social Distortion
- 99 To Life- Social Distortion
- Panama- Van Halen
- Into The Mystic- Van Morrison
- Join Together- The Who
- 6th Avenue Heartache- The Wallflowers
- I Will Follow- U2
- I Still Haven’t Found What I Am Looking For- U2
- Cornflake Girl- Tori Amos
- Wicked Garden- Stone Temple Pilots
- Sir Duke- Stevie Wonder
- The Sky is Crying- Stevie Ray Vaughan
- Life Without You- Stevie Ray Vaughan
- Its Been A While- Staind
- Tom Sawyer- Rush
- 2112- Rush
- I Want To Take You Higher- Sly and the Family Stone
- Suds In The Bucket- Sarah Evans
- Out Of Time- The Rolling Stones
- Lady Jane- The Rolling Stones
- Crying Time- Ray Charles
- At The Club- Ray Charles
- Your Time Is Gonna Come- Led Zeppelin
- I Had A Dream- Ray Charles
What have you been listening to today? Are there any songs that have special meaning for you?
@bdorman264 On a serious note, my goal is to put myself in a position so that I can spend the rest of my life moving. I never want to be so out of shape and or broken that I can’t get out and feel a little sunshine on my back. Too much to do and too much to see.
@TheJackB I hear ya bro; you should see me trying to get out of bed in the am after I played tennis the night before………I would hate to think what that would look like if I wasn’t in shape……………:)
@bdorman264 Hell at your age I am impressed you are still walking. 😉
@Hajra Thanks. That U2 song is among my most favorite songs in general.
I see Rush’s Tom Sawyer up there; was listening to it yesterday while I was mowing my grass. Probably not good to have an iPod loud enough you can hear it over the mower, but I figure at my age, what the heck, huh?
Thanks for sharing.
I love the playlist! Especially the song by U2!
I still haven’t found what I am looking for!
@SocialMediaDDS Hi Claudia. I like Mary Chapin Carpenters, she is solid. I look forward to listening to Red Molly when it is quiet around here and I can appreciate them.
It is fair to say that I have eclectic taste. Like you I always have some sort of song in my head or playing elsewhere.
Quite a number of my posts include music in them. Glad that came back to visit again.
@BetsyKCross Hi Betsy. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll try to find some quiet moments later on tonight to listen.
@Faryna Tom Sawyer is one of those songs that always makes me smile.
Jack…music is such an integral part of my life. If I am not listening to my iPod or Spotify, I am listening to the music that plays in my head …I sometimes wake up to a song that I must have dreamed about because the song is so alive inside of me. Forever Young is one of my favorite Dylan songs. Your taste is eclectic and fun…Bread, Depeche Mode, Stevie Ray Vaughan…wow…loved most of your choices. I will share two of my favorite songs…one by an awesome trio called Red Molly and the song is May I Suggest and the second one is by the wonderful Mary Chapin Carpenter and the song is Late For your Life.
Thanks for sharing your music.
Hi Jack!
Sarah Mcnulty ( smcnulty )) posted a new song out by Justin Hines about a month ago. I just love watching him and listening to him sing. He’s beautiful! I’m always open to new music and have a ton I love and am moved by. Here’s the link ( ) . Start it at 2:30 if you want to listen to it, but aren’t interested in the conversation.
Thanks for the question.
Lot of strong songs on your list. Tom Sawyer by Rush, however, is strong medicine.