[The mysterious “they” say that great bloggers are good storytellers. I am Jack and I want to be used as the example of a great blogger so I would like to invite you to share a story or two with me. And with a little luck at the end of the ride you’ll decide that it is worth your time to stick around and share the adventures that take place here. P.S. I would like to get a 100 comments on this post and 27 more people to become fans of my page. I’d also like money, a new car and an iPad but don’t expect to get any of those so why ask.]
“It’s the way you play that makes it . . . Play like you play. Play like you think, and then you got it, if you’re going to get it. And whatever you get, that’s you, so that’s your story.†– Count Basie
That quote makes me scratch my head and smile. At first glance I looked at it and said, “huh?” But after a moment of letting it marinate inside the old melon it dawned on me that it is perfect. Perfect because my understanding and interpretation of it is that it means to be yourself and do what you do and that is how I blog. I don’t spend time thinking about how to game the system. I don’t spend time trying to make sure that every post is perfect and every comment is profound. I write from the heart and occasionally through in bits and pieces of my head.
This is how I operate and this is part of what brings me joy. I like being a step to the left and a moment off the beat. I don’t care if people think I am weird. Won’t lie and say that I hope that they don’t. Won’t fabricate a story about how it doesn’t matter if I am cool because that would be false. I grew up during the 70s and sometimes I still want to be The Fonz. He may look like a dork now and Happy Days may seem dated but during it is day it was cool.
I mention all this because I have received a number of emails recently asking me for advice on blogging. And my advice is simple, find what brings you joy and write about it. If you are a business blogger find something in your business blog that brings you joy and tap into that sucker. Joy is contagious and people want to spend time with those who are happy. Joy and happiness will help you in your blogging journey. But don’t be afraid to kill a unicorn, spit on a rainbow and use the bunny to get a lucky rabbit’s foot because sometimes we need that sort of release.
See what happens when you hang out with an insouciant fool like me who loves to defenestrate his enemies. Ah, the joy of nonsense is quite stunning and profound. I know, if this was a bus some of you would be jumping off right now because the driver seems a bit unhinged.
“Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.” Bertrand Russell
If you are among the 17 long time readers or have had the occasion to dig through my archives you will see that my blog covers a variety of topics. I am a daddy blogger and you will find lots of material about parenting, kids and family life. But you will also find thoughts and ideas on politics and religion. And those posts often generate some crazy email and comments.
Earlier tonight a man sent me a 12,000 word screed about why he thinks I am stupid. According to him religion is bad and anyone who professes a belief in god is delusional. So I sent him a response asking him if I could hire him to haunt my house for Halloween and a bill for the letter. When he asked me what the bill was for I told him that God had instructed me to issue an invoice for food, shelter and nice weather.
Apparently he didn’t find this funny and he sent me some very nasty responses. Yes, I said responses. Most people will tell you not to feed the trolls but sometimes I can’t help myself.
I don’t care if he agrees or disagrees with me. Most of those posts are written as a way for me to sort through my thoughts and my beliefs. They bring clarity to my thoughts and help me better understand who I am and what I am about. Earlier today I left a comment on my friend Kristen’s blog in which I said:
because these words are where you find the pieces of my heart and fragments of my soul. I don’t say that lightly or facetiously, writing is a critical part of me.
“I dwell in possibility.” Emily Dickinson
For more than seven years this blog has been my constant companion and most stalwart friend. It has heard my biggest secrets and borne witness to victory and failures. It is where I figured out what I need to be doing with my life and the place where I work on making those dreams come true. The gloves have come off and the shackles followed. Life is about possibility and opportunity. My joy is to take the possibility that I dwell in and turn it into the opportunity that I want to live in.
I would love for you to join me.
This is just how I feel about my blog – “It is where I figured out what I need to be doing with my life and the place where I work on making those dreams come true” – and I feel lucky to have to chance to connect with you and others doing the same thing.
Proud and lucky to be a part of your community, my friend.
@Kristen @ Motherese And we are quite glad to have you here too.
I’m all in brother, this post had me laughing out loud several times.
Because I didn’t have the attention span to be good at math the comment “Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.†Bertrand Russell was a hoot. I knew they were just talking some mumbo jumbo and could be telling me anything they wanted to.
I also liked inviting the guy to haunt your house; I can’t believe he didn’t take you up on it. Obviously no sense of humor………..
There you go with the window talk again; I’m just glad I’m on your good side……..I think I am, right?
@bdorman264 That Bertrand Russell quote made me laugh too. I did alright in math, but I had more than a few occasions in which it made my head hurt. Some of the rules really did feel like they were made up.
As for my troll, well the dude showed up again as I figured he would. I am tempted to publish some of the exchanges. It could be all sorts of fun, and yes you are on my good side…now. 😉
Love the post and would like to be a part of this community. Having just had a slightly uncomfortable kick in the ass called “reorganization” my job as VP Ops for a health care company has flown away and left me free to chase a dream.
@JimGenet Hi Jim. Welcome to the blog. I have been part of the reorganization process and not on the side I prefer. But hopefully this lead to the fulfillment of that dream you mentioned.
I’ll sum up your storytelling appeal in one word: heartfelt. It’s why I continue to read your blog. To miss that, the author of the twelve thousand word Manifesto of Idiocy must be the offspring of the Tin Man and the Scarecrow – neither brain nor heart.
@bullishink I love that last line “the offspring of the Tin Man and the Scarecrow – neither brain nor heart.”
Damn, I wish that I had come up with that. It is perfect!
I love that people are asking you your opinion on how to blog Jack. That’s because you are doing such a good fine job of it here my friend.
I’m also with Bruce on this one. 12,000 words about how stupid you are? Seriously? So what did he think he was going to accomplish? Oh I know, you would have a change of heart, tell him he was right, repent and grow a heart! Okay, I got it! PLEASE!!! I know, I know, it takes all kinds.
Glad you jacked with him some! He deserved it and was probably stupid enough to not even get it! But then again, he was stupid enough to write you that email. Tada!!! Takes all kinds.
We love you Jack and we love what you write! To hell with everyone else. That’s how I feel and I’m sticking with it. 🙂
@AdrienneSmith Hello Adrienne. The online world is filled with all sorts of interesting people and if you stick around long enough you run into all different kinds. I found this guy to be kind of amusing and I suspect that I received a form letter that he adjusted a few times to fit my blog.
I am ok with that. Who knows, maybe I am wrong and all those words were devoted to me. That is proof that I made someone feel something. 😉
Nonetheless I appreciate and am grateful for your support. The community here is special and worthwhile.
Sorry about the 12,000 words. I will try to summarize next time. The check is in the mail for the invoice. – The Dude Who Thinks You’re Stupid
Also, now that I have taken my tongue out of my cheek, great post Jack.
@realmattdaddy Matt, as long as it is in the mail all will be fine- don’t make me come find you. 😉
Spitting on rainbows and killing unicorns? Where’s the gory, heart-breaking details, Jack?
@Faryna Stan, some days we are the heartbreaker and some days we are the heartbroken.
You ARE a great storyteller. Now, nobody has ever devoted so much time writing a letter to me. I am jealous. lol.
What you wrote for Kristen was beautiful. And true.
@subWOW If you would like I will pass your email address over to this guy. He is the epitome of….Well let’s just say that he needs more than a tinfoil hat. Thank you for the kind words, always appreciated.
12,000 words about how stupid you are? That is amazing. That ONLY shows how STUPID he is! Heck, all he needed was ONE word! Lol…LOVE you, JB!
@BruceSallan Right back atcha Bruce. I don’t think that this guy recognized that I was playing with him but that is ok. We need to mix a little fun in our days, don’t we. 😉
You made me laugh! Spitting on rainbows and killing unicorns. Have fun today!
@BetsyKCross Betsy, any day that I can make people smile is a good day in my book. Hope you have a great one.