I am troubled because I received another email in which I was excoriated for not being as funny or wise as other bloggers. They complained because they don’t think scatological humor is funny and they said I am full of crap.
Well when you have a dysfunctional digestive system as I do you can proudly say that you really aren’t because well your body does its best to expel things as quickly as possible.
That might be considered TMI for some of you but I know at least a few of you are fan of the crap flinging monkeys that inhabit our fair land and you are interested in finding out how what sort of connection there is between Sir Paul and a blogger who has made like a Band on the Run towards the nearest toilet.
Be Kind To Your Behind
But before you get to hear the down and dirty you need to know that I am one of the brand ambassadors for Cottonelle. That means I am getting paid for the crap you are reading about here but the opinions are mine.
So now you and the fine folks at the FTC can wipe the sweat off of your brow or nether regions and rest comfortably knowing what is being talked about whenever you see the hashtag #LetsTalkBums.
Now that we have cleaned and or cleared that up you should expect to see more from me on this topic and you might even learn why you need to have a fire extinguisher next to the toilet.
Sometimes that spicy food is really hot.
Anyhoo, the lady with the cool accent in the video below will give you more insight into what it is all about.
tfpHumorBlog TheJackB Lux Interior gave me cramps. unhappy face.
tfpHumorBlog TheJackB Lux Interior gave me cramps. unhappy face.