Sometimes it feels like technology is mocking me and I am not quite sure how to respond. Unless I slept for a hell of a lot longer than I thought I did Skynet hasn’t arrived, HAL isn’t here and artificial intelligence hasn’t reached a place where computers can mock a person on their own.
There are moments where the computer stops working and I cant figure out why and then after much cursing, crying and begging it magically begins working again.
Can’t explain how or why it suddenly works, I just know it does.
The blog does the same thing. I get notices that it has gone down and when I try to figure out why I am left baffled and then just as suddenly as it went down it goes back up.
Fourteen Greatest Villains in Literature
Several hours ago my doppelganger provided a partial list of the Fourteen Greatest Villains in Literature. He  listed Goldielocks, The Von Trapp Family, Red Riding Hood and Dorothoy from the Wizard of Oz as being among those villains and I applaud him.
Had I more coffee in me I might add to the list Anne of Green Gables, Jane Eyre and the simply awful Scrappy Doo. Yeah, I know that we are talking about a cartoon character but that freaking mutt is evil incarnate. Dude reminds me of the evil Elf on The Shelf.
Some of you are horrified by this and are probably curious as to why I would pick these people. Well the answer is you never know who is masquerading as good but is positively evil.
Dads and Daughters
Little button nose, big brown eyes, freckles and black hair looks up at me and stares.
“Dad, I don’t know where your parents went wrong with you, but it happened. Fortunately I love you and I can fix the mistakes.”
I don’t know what mistakes she is talking about or how this is supposed to work but I know that this girl has her ideas about things and some times they are funny stories and sometimes I don’t tell them for my own safety.
Really, one day she’ll be older than 9.5 going on 30 and she might kill me then. Hell, that girl of mine has already mastered the female look of death.
Her older brother asked me a few hours ago how she got to be so good at making us feel bad with just a look and I just shrugged my shoulders at him.
“It doesn’t get any easier or any better when girls get older, especially if you really like them.”
He asks me what I mean by that and I just laugh.
“You’ll see.”
 Walking In Mud
Been  quite a day here and I can’t come up with a better description than it has been a “walking in mud” kind of day. The kind of day where you feel like every time you step your leg sinks into the muck until you are waist deep and it takes real effort to pull it out and move forward.
Every step is earned and every move is only managed through sheer will.
And that my friends is why I am ending this post now because it has given me just enough time to catch my breath and prepare to wade through the swamp one more time.
Maybe I’ll see you back here a bit later and maybe it will be in the company of a new post.
Like Carolyn, I would say that technology is always mocking me. I have actually been thinking that 2014 will be the year that I’ll be using less technology, even though I know it’s going to be hard. I’ll be reading more «paper» books and I’ll use pen and paper more than I have done for the past 5 years together. It’s just that I feel in less control than I have ever felt. If the power is out, I won’t even wake up at the right time, because of technology. So, I’ll still be living my life as I’m doing today, but I’ll be focusing on doing stuff the old way.
Whoa, Jens, let’s not go overboard here. Paper? Pen? Printed books? That’s crazy talk! Sure, you may be tired of plugging in 20 devices before you go to sleep at night and worrying that they may not charge if you lose electricity, but think of all of the beautiful trees you’re saving with your devices!
Actually, I’m surprised you’ve embraced tech so well with your peaceful summers in a tent by the lake. I’m thinking your solar charger must get quite a workout during those sojourns.
To make my comment clear, tech constantly mocks me when I write an article about an app, website or gadget, only to discover that a major update was just released the moment I’m about to hit the “Publish” button. I can actually hear tech laughing at me when that happens!
But if tech didn’t march on, I wouldn’t have much to write about, would I?
Don’t get me wrong Carolyn, I really love tech. I use it all the time, and it’s amazing. I just feel that sometimes I need to go back and do what I used to do before everything was tech 🙂
I had a discussion a few days ago from a man in the paper industry that told me that printed books was a lot more friendly to the environment than the iPad and the Kindle. I didn’t catch his arguments, but he was very certain that he was right.
It must be hard to write about tech with all the updates. It’s hard to keep everything updated, so it must be even harder to write about it 🙂
I know you’re a tech fan, Jens. You make good use of your tech and find ways to use tech to simplify your life.
I actually think tech can make life simpler with features such as search. No longer do you have to worry about notes made on slips of paper you can lose or leave behind. With tech you can take your notes with you wherever you go and search them to find what you want.
I will be very interested to learn how your retro experiment works, Jens. I sense a blog post in your future!
I absolutely agree Carolyn. Tech is awesome and it can simplify our lives. But, sometimes I feel the need to just do something completely different. It’s not that often, but I want to try and see if I can be without tech, at least for a few hours a day.
I will write a blog post about my experience, and I’ll do the draft using a pen and paper 🙂
Sometimes? Then you’re doing well. Technology always mocks me.
I get the others but why the Von Trapp family? Because they were military deserters?
I hold those Hills are Alive cretins responsible for noise pollution.
If a nun sings in the Alps and no one hears her, are the hills really alive?
That is an excellent question.