Editor’s Note: Most of this post originally appeared here but since there are so many new readers I decided it was worth  sharing it again with you. It is not because easy choices lead to hard decisions or because I want you to read about Buck either. But time is of the essence and my mission won’t wait so I’ll have to ask you to come back later to see more.
In the interim enjoy the words below.
Someone asked me how to write a post in five minutes but I was feeling a bit saucy so I used a headline that some might call linkbait. On the other hand every good headline should have an element of linkbait in it.
Or maybe what we are really saying is linkbait is a pejorative term when the post it directs you to has no redeeming value for the reader. I don’t have time to mull that over with you now.
So instead let’s talk about you can write a post in five minutes. Maybe you provide Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger and include links to older posts that newer readers might have missed like:
- Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare
- The GermoPhobe
- An Uncertain Certainty
- Four Generations & A Wedding
- Grandpa
- Donuts
- My Children Got Too Many Gifts
- Dad Bloggers Get Paid To Blog Part II
- Dear Stephen King- Writing Is Lonely
- Bloggers Are People Who Don’t Like To Work
- You Are The Biggest Liar In Social Media
- Do You Live Your Dreams Or Dream Your Life
- A Severe Case of Bad Blogging
- Watch Cookie Monster Cure Writer’s Block
- She Dances
Between those posts you might help people recognize that you are someone who covers multiple topics because writing should be fun and Blogging Doesn’t Have To Have A Point.
Maybe you should keep sharing links to help breathe life into some older posts:
- Two Things That Are Killing Twitter
- Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog
- Do Things Happen For A Reason?
- 666 Devilish Ways To Become A Social Media Superstar
- What Happens To Your Facebook Account When You Die
- 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer
Or maybe you should wait until you have more than five minutes to blog.
What do you think?
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