Today marks another year of riding the earth around the sun.
Some call it birthday number 46 and others refer to it as the entry into the 47th year but me, well I just smile and say I am not dead yet.
They ask what that means and because I am in a peculiar sort of mood I respond with a non-answer.
Maybe this peculiarity is to blame for why IÂ book-ended this post with two quotes from Emerson.
These are thoughts and ideas I believe in, stuff I try to pass along to my children because there is merit in making these into part of our core.
There is a value that you can use for our entire lives in these ideas and that is the sort of work smarter and not harder philosophy I like to incorporate.
Blogging For The Sake Of Writing
A while back someone told me we shouldn’t be blogging for the sake of writing, at least I think someone told me that.
It is possible they did not and what I think I heard was something I read. Have I mentioned that whenever I read post, article or book I always hear the voice of the author in my head.
Of course it is just what I imagine said voice to sound like, sometimes I discover it is nothing like I imagined it to be.
Kind of like life, it doesn’t always resemble what I imagined it to be.
Anyhoo I think the point of their comment was that every post should tell a story that the readers could follow and that you should never write anything that didn’t have a beginning, middle and an end.
My response to that sort of commentary is, “That is fucking stupid,” unless I am talking to my children or in a professional setting in which case I say I disagree.
The province of the writer in a blog isn’t to produce sterile garbage that neither moves nor motivates people.
And it is to share parts of pieces of ourselves so when I tell you that my current employment isn’t as a writer you will ask why that is because you know it is what I do.
Or maybe you’ll say Steiner isn’t the writer he thinks he is so not writing for a living isn’t a big deal.
And then I’ll tell you I don’t care if you or anyone else believes I should be because I do and my vote outranks all of yours.
I’ll tell you that I want my children to feel this sort of connection to something, this kind of passion and to have the gumption to go for it.
Enjoy The Journey/Work For The Prize
I need to start using that line in my conversations with my children.
They need to remember the importance of being present in the moment because you never know when something special, major and or important can happen.
If you aren’t awake you tend to miss those things.
And you/they need to remember if you are working in a position that isn’t feeding your heart and soothing your soul you can do something about it.
You can and you should.
Some of you won’t understand this.
Some of you will think I am exaggerating but part of the reason I am feeling crazed right now is because the support for my dream is being crushed and the position I am in is choking the air out of the fire that fuels it.
Bad things happen when you get bored with blogging but that is nothing compared to what happens to those who choose to tolerate the intolerable.
On my 46th birthday it is worth noting how some people have misunderstood my silence and work ethic to mean I have accepted situations I found intolerable.
When that has happened they have often been surprised by the eventual eruption that followed these moments.
Can’t tell you how long it took or provide any sort of benchmark to reply upon, all I can say is if I wasn’t given the opportunity and or freedom to make the changes I had to make things could get very ugly.
I don’t consider that to be any different from any other person.
What I see as important, significant, meaningful and distinct is the willingness to take action.
When you reach those moments you have the choice to allow them to crush you or to do something about it.
You don’t have to accept that as the end of the story. You can choose to take the next left or jump on or off a train.
It is about the journey.
Sometimes these posts are written as much for us as they are for the readers.
What Kind Of Writer Do You Want To Be?
It is late Friday night, well past midnight and somewhere into that place others call the witching hour when I wander into my teenager’s room.
“It is your birthday dad.”
“Yeah, it is. You need to get to sleep soon.”
“I will. What do you want to tell me?”
That leads into a short conversation about what this moment in time. He tells me about the end of middle school and I share a few thoughts about where my head is at.
He asks me about the job and I don’t say much other than it is fine for now but that I never forget I am a writer.
He asks me what kind of writer I want to be and I say I am the kind who writes because he has to. When he asks for further explanation I promise to do it during daylight hours.
Later I lie down in bed and realize I haven’t spent enough time here lately nor enough writing in general.
This has to change and it will.
Words are air and I am choking.
Happy birthday!
Enjoy the journey is great advice, but I find it harder than ever, with so many things going on. I’ve been thinking a lot about the journey lately, so much that I’m considering paying for Headspace (a membership site to help me with meditation).
Thank you. Lately I have been ridiculously busy so I understand the idea of trying to take time to figure out how to get more organized and more effectively manage our time.
I was thrown the other day by some comments I got on my blog. You may know the ones I’m talking about. Actually it wasn’t the comments that completely threw me, it was the Tweets I got from the guy afterwards.
We open ourselves up every time we publish a post on our blog. I’m pretty straight-talking but I also value other’s opinions. There are ways and means of doing that though. I unsubscribed from the guy’s blog and he was annoyed about it. When I explained that I value his opinion but I don’t want to be patronised, he was in complete denial.
Anyway, that’s stopped me from writing for a few days. I hope I can get back to blogging for the sake of writing today.
Some people get nasty for the silliest of reasons. I often wonder if they think the “privacy” afforded by hiding behind a keyboard entitles them to be nastier than they would be in person.
It’s one of the less pleasant aspects, but I figure you just have to shake it off and keep going. It’s the best way to show them their real value and influence.
It finally occurs to me that what you have taught is how to take a position and who is in charge.
I suppose this is a good thing as long as the lesson is both learned and helpful.
I can totally relate to this Jack. Alas, sometimes we end up having to live for work rather than work to live, and writing is demoted to hobby-Dom. Hope you find your balance again soon and elbow work for writing!
All too true. What irks me the most is I had managed to make writing the tool I used to pay the bills so this current moment feels like I have slipped on a pair of old jeans.
They are familiar but they no longer fit as comfortably as they once did. Sadly I don’t expect losing weight or washing them again will make the comfort return. 🙂
inspiring! truly inspiring! Sometimes these posts are written as much for us as they are for the readers. – this one resonates to me so much. I write stories about other people not just because I’m curious about them and their successes but also for the selfish reason of wanting to get inspired, to get infected by even just a small pint of their passion aura to sprinkle on me.
I understand that. I read for inspiration as often as I read for pleasure and or education.
First, Happy birthday, Jack.
Next. You walk into your son’s room and he asks “what do you want to tell me.” What a wonderful gift.
As I’ve begun counting the time left in my current job, I daydream about getting back to writing regularly. I have two blogs. One for my fiction endeavors and one for life. Reading your writing, though not always commenting, is inspiring me to make better use of that space. It’s neglected. It’s lonely. It has no life. Time for a resurrection.
Keep writing Jack. It’s not only yourself you motivate.
Hi Renee,
Thank you, on all accounts.
I only know how to be me and that guy pushes hard for anything and everything he wants. There probably are times where it might help to take a break but I worry a bit about how long that break would be.
It is not easy to support multiple blogs, but I find it pretty rewarding. I kind of enjoy the challenge. It sounds to me like you might too.
I understand about “taking a break.” mine wasn’t by choice. I believe if I can wrangle the two, it can only improve the craft. We’re in the final days of selling the business , after that, The fun begins. 21 days and counting.
Hope the 21 days goes quickly.