I don’t write solely because I want to, but because I have to. It is an  involuntary exercise like breathing to me except
It is an  involuntary exercise like breathing to me and though I won’t physically die if I don’t do it I will see my heart and soul shrink a size or two.
For a long time I forgot about the importance of writing but twelve years ago I started blogging and in some ways I was reborn.
If that sounds like hyperbole to you I am guessing you are not a writer and that’s ok. Or maybe you are a writer and it still sounds like hyperbole, that is ok too,
The world would be dull if we were all the same.
A Blogging Experiment
I decided I wanted to link to some old posts but that this time around I would experiment a little bit with how I do it.
We’re going to create a list with pictures and links and see what happens.
Time Is Almost Up
My ten minutes is almost up so I have to decide if I should talk about the value of comments, whether Twitter is still a valuable platform or children and social media.
Chances are I will focus on the children and social media angle in a post later today. Got a situation here that is unfolding that reminds me about how happy I am that this sort of cyber world didn’t exist when I was a kid.
It is not easy helping my children navigate it either and sometimes I find it disheartening to see how cruelty can be extended throughout the night and day.
But there have been positives that are tied into it all too, but we’ll save that talk for later.
For now I will leave you with this thought which applies to writing as well as to photography.

You always have great pics. I love the graphics here.
Curious to hear your thoughts on Twitter – I think I got in too late.
I get the pix from Unsplash, Stokpic and Pixabay.
Twitter can still be a very effective and useful place to have a conversation but you have to work a bit harder to make it happen. It is filled with a lot more noise than it used to have.
But if you are active and seek out people who want conversation you can still make it happen.