Sometimes blogs go bad and we the humans that run them find ourselves scratching our heads and or kicking and screaming because technology refuses to act as we think it should.
That’s what happened here.
Can’t tell you if the problem started last night or if it was today because way too much has happened.
What I know is that when I updated this joint to the latest edition of WP it gave me the finger and tried to kick my ass.
I don’t take kindly to that sort of treatment from people and even less so from machines.
I raged against the machine but tried to be smart about it.
Tried to stay calm and follow the same advice I give my children about effective problem solving and perseverance.
If you are reading this then I suppose I ought to present this as proof of my success in both resolving the issue and in doing so in a semi-timely manner.
But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tested or frustrated by this blog choosing to go bad.
I am supposed to the rogue. I am supposed to be the maverick.
Not the bleeping blog.
But sometimes things happens.
Sometimes life happens.
Roll With The Tide
I have to remind myself to roll with the tide and to use the power of the waves to push me forward.
Doesn’t make any sense to fight against such a mighty force as the sea because given time it will always win and it always has more time than we do.
Given that the Traveling Jack show is about to roll out another tour it is even more reason to work hard to not fight the elements.
The smart man lets the wind power his sails and saves his arms for when the seas are calm and he truly must row.
Got to be the smart man now, got to save my strength for when I really need it.
So much good stuff going on now, so many amazing things about to happen. Sometimes we fail to recognize how the ordinary can turn into the extraordinary overnight.
Life is going to be very busy the next few weeks so I am not sure how much time I’ll find to be around here.
The goal is always to update daily but there may be some moments where I just can’t get it done.
If you are a new reader the good news is there are almost 10,000 posts floating around here so there is plenty of material to read.
You can find some of it on the About Jack page or alternatively you can point and click your way through some of the links below:
Words Are The Death Of A Blogger
An Uncertain Certainty
Four Generations & A Wedding
The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me
1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer
The Story Of A House- The Final Days
He Died A Hero
Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger
Of Dads and Daughters
The Greatest Dad Blogger You Never Heard Of
Mean Girls Come From Mean Moms
Two Things That Are Killing Twitter
Reciprocity In Blogging
Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage
See you soon,
Technology often frustrates the heck out of me. I don’t blame you for losing it a bit.
Good luck keeping on top of things the next few weeks.
Much appreciated sir. Got so much going on I don’t need the extra fun the tech challenges provide.
Enjoy your blogging time off 😉
Thank you!