Editor’s Note: There are two things you need to know right off the bat:
I am being compensated for this post by the fine folks at Groupon.
Their cash doesn’t influence my opinion but it does help keep the lights on around here. 🙂
One of the most important lessons I have learned in life is to recognize that things and people can be taken away from us but experiences last forever.
Don’t mistake that for me trying to sell or fear or scare you into doing things because some bad stuff may happen because it might not.
You could be one of those people who are fortunate enough to live relatively drama free lives where the people you love are healthy and live long lives and your cash flow is never interrupted or disturbed in such a way that you have to give things up.
These things do happen and they happen more frequently than some people realize, but there are plenty of other people who have different experiences.
Sometimes it is having to say goodbye to loved ones who die far too young or sometimes it is something else.
Since I write about what I know I can say I have experienced some rougher moments and that has impacted how I approach life.
I like to think it has helped make me more appreciative of the good times and the people I share them with.
Experiences Cannot Be Taken Away
One of the changes that came because of these bumpier moments is my desire to collect experiences and to give my children as many as I can.
Experiences can’t be taken away so I look for tools and resources I can use to help facilitate making more for us.
Groupon Coupons like this one help make those experiences happen for us.
They help me find ways to save a couple of bucks here and there so we can take family trips and see places and spaces we might not otherwise get to see.
Those vacations will likely provide better memories than trendy clothes or fancy sports cars. Hell, there are few things that compare to watching my kids smile and laugh together.
There is a sense of satisfaction and pleasure that comes with it that you don’t get in any other way.
I have two trips I have to plan for this summer. Two family events that I can’t miss and a bunch of other expenses that can’t be avoided, so you can bet your bippy that I’ll be searching Groupon for as many deals as I can find.
Travel and food deals are usually available.
With a little work and some luck we’ll share some big adventures and come back with stories we’ll tell and revisit for the next 80 or so years.
Yes, I said 80 or so because I plan on living that long or longer.
Disclosure:Â As stated at the top I was compensated for writing this post but all opinions are mine.
Unfortunately, money is not simply falling out of the sky over here.
So, always happy to save a few bucks.