I showed my children the video below and told them it would provide them with motivation for making their beds.
My 17-year-old looked at me and asked if this was one of those things I expected him to get/understand/appreciate when he was older.
“What do you think?”
“I think you are trying to manipulate me.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time and it might not be the last. How do you think I got you to start taking baths when you were really little.”
He smiled and told me I should remember that he might have learned how to be sneakier.
“Maybe one day…”
He smiled again and walked away. A short time later I stood in a quiet house and wondered how much longer I get to live with these kids and how much longer I get to teach them.
It goes so very fast.
Great speech. I always insist my kids make the bed. They don’t necessarily do a good job and often say, it’s good enough. Maybe this video can change their minds.
I hope it helps. I have shown it to my kids twice.