If my Gmail is to be trusted I purchased the current theme of this blog almost eight years ago.
Given that I don’t know when I will change it again I ought to say it is Myth by Meanthemes. That may or not be familiar to the readers but should I read this post again at some future date it will provide context.
I changed because I got word the old ‘new’ theme was updated and figured I was ready for a new look here again.
Don’t know if it will increase the frequency of my posting but don’t know it won’t either. This current phase is the slowest it has ever been and given that I used to update multiple times a day throughout the week it really has been slow.
Quantity doesn’t always reflect quality and though I feel the overall production has been solid it is time to reflect, reframe and refocus.
The biggest challenge isn’t finding things to write about but time and determining where to prioritize what I have.
Given I still have multiple blogs that time is divided further so the question becomes what provides me the biggest return.
Not in a financial sense, but in satisfaction.
Because each of the blogs is different, but not all give the same oomph.
So now I reflect and that provides it is own satisfaction.
I actually got some new themes last year that I should try using. For one of my blogs and for my accountant’s blog, I’ve moved to using WordPress’ #14 template. I’m fighting the idea of changing my other two blogs to a newer theme, while asking myself if it’s prudent to keep using a theme I started using in 2009 just because I know how to code it. Decisions, decisions…
I understand the question of moving from what you know well to something new. When I changed this joint a few years back it created a number of issues that I haven’t ever corrected properly.
Not because I didn’t want to but because I didn’t know if there was a simple universal way to fix it and it impacted 10,000 posts.
Just too much work.
I suppose the question is what best serves your needs.
Actually, that’s the thing. When I made my first switch, it took me hours to find stuff that suddenly went missing. I had to learn about child themes, then do back and forth testing until I got things looking right again. It’s the sidebars of my current theme that I’m worried about messing up; I don’t have the kind of time I did previously to be messing with it… though I also know that my current theme is a target. Sigh…