Where Can I Buy A Fortress Of Mostly Quiet?
The World’s Greatest Content Marketer Hates Comments
Mean Girls Come From Mean Moms
Yeah, I know, that is four posts. Let’s see who can count. 😉
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." Groucho Marx
Where Can I Buy A Fortress Of Mostly Quiet?
The World’s Greatest Content Marketer Hates Comments
Mean Girls Come From Mean Moms
Yeah, I know, that is four posts. Let’s see who can count. 😉
I admit to being mildly surprised when I figured out the first audio post here was done around July 2004.
You’re welcome to click on the link so that you can visit the post and read the comments though the only person I expect to recognize anyone there is SQ.
Heck, just for kicks I dug around the archives to see if I could restore one of the old audio posts SQ and I did but I am not sure I am going to be able to restore it.
Because I don’t think I was hosting it and the file probably got deleted. But I may spend a few minutes there just for kicks to see if maybe I am wrong.
Would be kind of fun to hear it again, in the interim here is a new piece if you are interested in listening.
Been speaking with The Shmata Queen about many things and even gave her a nudge to restart her blog but I don’t think that is happening.
At one point in time I knew the password and login information so in theory I could restart it myself but I am not where said information is so that is unlikely.
And hell, I am having trouble doing more than monthly updates here so does it make sense to light a fire somewhere else?
Probably not but somethings about life don’t make any sense to me now so who is to say that taking unexpected action wouldn’t yield positive results.
Of course it could lead the other direction too and that wouldn’t make me happy to maybe I ought to play it safe in at least one area…maybe.
Told the queen we always should pay attention to who walks through fire for us and to pay special attention to those people because there are only a few and some of them are extra special.
Maybe special enough to write about or to inspire writing and that is worth noticing.
The real and true muse of our lives, they are meaningful and significant if only we have the sense to listen.
Been blogging for so long now the little boy whose toddler antics were highlights of early posts is a twenty-something-year-old man who went to jury duty.
It was his first time doing so and it led to some conversations we haven’t had in quite a while.
The gist of it was my reminding him to ask questions about what is meaningful and what is fluff.
There are fewer moments where the kids reach out to me to ask for my thoughts/advice/assistance on things so I very much appreciate those rare opportunities when they come along.
Don’t mistake that to mean I want them coming to me for everything. That is not what I want at all.
It would mean I failed and I am proud to say I didn’t. They are very capable of standing on their own and they mostly do.
But there are still things in life they haven’t experienced or have far less experience in doing than myself so moments creep up.
“Dad, can I ask you a question?”
The answer is always yes but the answers are not as simple as they once were and they have long since recognized that I don’t know everything.
That is ok, they should know I am human and just a man.
But sometimes it is nice to be needed like they did when they were younger. Sometimes it is nice to put those shoes back on and lend a hand.
I like it.
I like watching them grow and evolve. Sometimes hard to watch but mostly good, they are smart and they get it.
Life is some kind of rush now isn’t it.
If my Gmail is to be trusted I purchased the current theme of this blog almost eight years ago.
Given that I don’t know when I will change it again I ought to say it is Myth by Meanthemes. That may or not be familiar to the readers but should I read this post again at some future date it will provide context.
I changed because I got word the old ‘new’ theme was updated and figured I was ready for a new look here again.
Don’t know if it will increase the frequency of my posting but don’t know it won’t either. This current phase is the slowest it has ever been and given that I used to update multiple times a day throughout the week it really has been slow.
Quantity doesn’t always reflect quality and though I feel the overall production has been solid it is time to reflect, reframe and refocus.
The biggest challenge isn’t finding things to write about but time and determining where to prioritize what I have.
Given I still have multiple blogs that time is divided further so the question becomes what provides me the biggest return.
Not in a financial sense, but in satisfaction.
Because each of the blogs is different, but not all give the same oomph.
So now I reflect and that provides it is own satisfaction.
I began this blogging journey as a man in my thirties and am now in my fifties. The toddler boy I used to write about is standing in the kitchen, 20 feet in front of me.
That toddler looks me in the eye and has a beard now.
He isn’t asking for help making breakfast, doesn’t need for me to grab things he can’t reach or for a ride to places he can’t get to because he has a car.
Doesn’t come to me for money because he has a job.
The girl who calls me dad and refers to the toddler as her older brother is talking about what spring break plans she and her roommates are thinking about.
She says she’ll come home for a few days during winter break but I don’t expect to see much of her because she’ll be running around with girlfriends who have also come home in between semesters.
Probably will get a moment of attention when she needs the car keys and or wants to discuss something where dear old dad gets hit up for a dollar.
She is good about that as she has had a couple of jobs and done a good job of carrying her own weight as best a college student can.
So I don’t mind helping out, she is on her way.
It is a strange thing to be in this semi-empty nester place. Looking at these kids it is clear they are on their way and curiosity makes me wonder where the tracks ahead of them will lead.
Good places I hope. Places that don’t have too much of the unexpected and unusual curves and bumps that life throws at us.
Something weird will happen, some sort of challenge and they’ll met it or them as needed, of this much I am certain.
And me, well I wonder where my own tracks will lead as I don’t just feel change, I smell and sense it all around me.
Should be an interesting journey, a little anxious, but mostly excited.
Can’t complain or ask much more of it now can I.