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Haveil Havalim
Haveil Havalim #199
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Haveil Havalim #197
Haveil Havalim #197, the weekly carnival of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere is now live here.
Haveil Havalim #196- My Kids Wish It Was Chanukah Already
Welcome to Haveil Havalim #196, The My Kids wish it were Chanukah edition. If you are unfamiliar this the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere’s weekly blog carnival. It is a roundup of posts from around the Jblogosphere. It doesn’t matter if you are new or old to the Jblogosphere, this is one of the best ways to find out what is going on.
If you are on Facebook don’t forget to join our group. It is the place where you can go and share thoughts and ideas about posts, carnivals and other important information. In just a moment we’re going to send you to the carnival, but before we do I have a video to help get you pumped up.
Ben-Yehudah presents Some Likud Afterthoughts. Westbankmama presents The “Rebels” Have Returned and Win By A Technicality, Lose By One Too.
muse presents Trying To Make Sense Out Of Israeli Democracy,Dirty Tricks– Likud Style and The “Real Likud”.
Ben-Yehudah presents Translation: “Reprogramming”. Over at the Muqata you can read Israel’s Left/Right to Visit Each Other.
Yechezkel shared a right- wing perspective on the Israeli judicial system in general and the Valis trial in particular.
Over at Jerusalemite you can read A conversation with Gil Peled, eco-architect or you can find out if Jerusalem has a soup nazi hiding out in the old city. Speaking of soup, if you remember Chocolate Soup raise your hands.
And as long as we’re playing let’s remember I’ll pull out Ritchies Pizza. Sometimes I miss that place, or maybe I just miss the Israel I remember from my youth.
More on this at a different time. Because as long as you have been hanging out at Jerusalemite you might as well read about cleaning for Bambi.
Mumbai is still on people’s minds.
Dry Bones has a cartoon about Hindu Zionists. Israpundit blogged Muslims, though small in number begin to protest terrorism.
Rafi has the story and video about a rabbi who sings in gratitude for the survivors of Mumbai. You should take a look at A Tribute To Rav Gavriel Noach Holtzberg z”l.
Don’t forget to see “Now We Are All Lubavitch.â€
From Yid With Lid, William Pfaff –>Mumbai Was The Jews Fault ????
Read more at In Memorium. Gabi & Rivky Holtzberg H”YD and Religion and State in Israel – December 8, 2008 (Section 1).
Section two includes a number of articles: Jerusalem’s new secular Mayor Barkat brings Haredim into coalition and much more. To see them Click here.
Mississippi Fred wonders if you can identify the man in this picture. Torat Yisrael has a post that says that Microsoft is supporting Hezbollah’s webmail.
Eric presents Prime Ministers in History: Menachem Begin. Israel Chronicles shared Tis the Season- or NOT.
Batya shared one of her greatest mistakes.
Esser Agaroth shared Oh, NOW, They’re Upset…
From EOZ we have “Slaughter the Jews”, Abbas: “Free Gaza” a joke, PA pays 70,000 Gazans and Le Monde: Hamas isn’t really that bad! .
Benji has been eavesdropping Overheard on Galgalatz! You have to love a country where the bus drivers are so friendly. But then again maybe life can be a bit explosive.
From Meryl, British anti-Israel profs lose the fight. Rutimizrachi presents “…where everybody knows your name…” #1.
Go visit Weekend Hospitality and read about Organ Donors in Israel.
The Rebbetzin’s Husband offers sound advice with What’s the first thing to teach children about Judaism? Jewish Atheist blogged about wearing the Frum Costume.
Frum Cynic talked about hats in Black and White. Daled Amos discussed the Kosher Quandary.
The Real Shaliach is Connecting the Anniversary.
Schvach Yid presents Schvach – ×¤× ×™ דל. Jacob has a question for the editors of Yeshiva World.
Lion of Zion has a post called Sforno’s Jewish Work Ethic.
At Miriam’s ideas she discusses threats to Judaism in a post called Bigot. Shira has a thought about Rivka Imenu.
From Judeopundit we have IRNA: “Jewish shrine in Iran registered as national work”
Avraham Rephael (aka Bar Kochba) presents “But some of my best friends are Jewish…”
At Jewlicious you can read about how Treif kills. Are you looking for Chanukah gifts? There are suggestions at EnLightening Gifts.
Esther is helping to pass the candle.
Mother in Israel discusses Breastfeeding and Judaism.
At Frum Satire you can read about the 20 types of guys that every yeshiva has. Hungry? Visit Raizy to learn about Cooking Kosher In A Small Kitchen.
Male and female relationships are covered in a post called Why, as a wife, I still want to see other men.
At Fiery Spirited Zionist you can read about England’s Death Knell. The Ima wants to know if you can pray for the economy.
How about taking a gander at FDR versus Kashrut. Yid With Lid offered: Martin Indyk–>Time To SCREW ISRAEL.
Seraphic Secret introduces us to a new publication called Big Hollywood. Something tells me that Schvach isn’t a fan of the Big Three.
Fausta’s Blog discusses the row caused by Sarkozy’s support of Israel. The inimitable Soccer Dad says Silly rabid antisemite hugs are for thugs.
Who knew that Iron Man is Jewish. Speaking of comic books and religion I have a link here that some people might enjoy.
The Velveteen Rabbi has a list of conference posts from The Rabbis For Human Rights conference.
Political party blames feminism for destruction of Israel says Writes Like She Talks. While you are there don’t forget to take a look at the Jewish history of Obama home in Chicago.
Yid With Lid shared the story about a judge who says that Jews should be denied bail because they might be a flight risk.
Hubscubs discussed corruption. Solomonia shared Theodore Dalrymple: The Decay and Fall of the West.
Friar Yid presents a post about his grandfather called Reflections on a Yarzeit. Mommy Going Meshugganah had Thanksgiving with the Sailors.
LOZ related the story of Junior and the Cleaning lady.
Yehuda enjoyed a meal at a Waffle House the question is did the waiters enjoy him. 😉 Sadly it wasn’t at Jameel’s Famous Waffle factory. Maybe next time.
Some of you might be interested in taking Anger Management tips from The Rebbetzin’s Husband.
rutimizrachi presents Winter Colors, Created By Kids and Ki Yachol Nuchal!: The Nes of the Nachash.
On my blog I posted I am In Love and shared a conversation with my daughter called Dear Santa Take a Memo.
NY’s Funniest Rabbi has a post that to me is sort of what blogging is all about go read Kriyat Shma Al HaLaptop.
Shtetl Fabulous presents They Feel the Heat, The Heat Between Me and You.
Carol has a very cool painting here.
Therapydoc asks What’s In a Name.
Come here and join the discussion about Jewish athletes.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: haveil havalim, blog carnival.
Haveil Havalim #194 is Live
It is the 194th edition of Haveil Havalim, the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere blog carnival. Go check it out over here.
#193 It Is Live
Go read:This is Not Your Father’s Haveil Havalim (Issue #193)
You can read past editions at blog carnival or by clicking on one of these links:
Nov 30, 2008 What War Zone???
Nov 22, 2008 Ima on (and off) the Bimah
Nov 16, 2008 West Bank Mama
Nov 10, 2008 Jewlicious
Nov 01, 2008 Esser Agaroth
Oct 26, 2008 What War Zone???
Oct 18, 2008 Ill call Baila
Oct 12, 2008 The Israel Situation
Oct 05, 2008 Writes Like She Talks
Sep 28, 2008 A Barbaric Yawp
Sep 21, 2008 Random thoughts
Sep 14, 2008 Shiloh Musings
Sep 07, 2008
Aug 30, 2008 My Shrapnel