Again I offer my thanks to those who fought so that we could live as we do today. Here is a link to what I wrote last year.
Haveil Havalim- The Plain Edition
Who would have ever thunk a drive-in in Buffalo would be the headquarters for the 117th edition of Haveil Havalim. I suppose that using a drive-in dates me. It is probably a good 15 years since I last went to a movie at a drive-in.
Of course some of you come from homes in which you have never been to a movie in a theater let alone a private car or truck. They were fun, drive-in’s that is. So maybe we should switch modes and move to something a little more modern such as this little doohickey below.
Go out and buy more Ipods. It will help keep Apple stock up and in turn you’ll help keep a smile on Avrech’s face, not to mention the good old Psycho Toddler who only recently joined the rest of us in using 21st century devices. 😉 Anyway, you’ll have to put up with one more comment or two from me. This is approximately the seventh time that I have hosted Haveil Havalim. I have never seen as big a response as I did this time. I easily received more than 130 submissions. Of course some of you sent me seven or eight submissions from your own blog. My apologies for not being able to use all of them.
One more special request. It would be greatly appreciated if you could link to this post on your blogs. The more exposure that HH receives the better.
And now on to our carnival. My apologies if it is not organized as well as it could be, it was a busy week.
Simply Jews blogged about the Iranian arrest of a US citizen. Liorah writes that Pakistan may ignite a war. Jihadists continue to use technology to promote their cause. At Jihad Watch there is a discussion about The Islamist’s War. Yid With Lid says The Muslim American Society Promotes Terror. Welcome To American Idol “Jihad Edition.”
Over at Slightly Mad there is a list of fine restaurants to eat at. Fiery Spirited Zionist has an opinon on Why “palestine” should never come into existence. Solomonia reports Mubarak: Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel.
According to Israel Matzav Arab countries despair seethe over ‘Palestinians‘. Carl also offered Gaza ‘Palestinians’ pray for ‘occupation‘. The Augean Stables offers As Palestinians Self-Destruct, They Blame Israel.
Over at Yoni The Blogger we learn that: U.S. Aired Nasrallah Speech Because No One Knew Arabic.
Dag shares memories of the Six Day war. Daled Amos shares 3 SOLDIERS FROM THE FAMOUS 6 DAY WAR PHOTO SPEAK. Sadly, no surprise here: Syria claims Eli Cohen’s grave is ‘inaccessible‘.
Jerusalem Joe offers Why Women Are Exempt From Prayer In Judaism – A Jungian Explanation. Meryl received an email asking for help locating lost relatives. Chana needs the bracha for Mentos. Back of The Hill says Spoken Of In Daniel. Over at a Simple Jew there is a Guest Posting By Chabakuk Elisha – “Heimishe” Racism.
Drew Kaplan covered White Days. A Mother in Israel provided Tzniut/Modesty roundup–Lots of links.
Rabbi Sedley offers 29th Iyar – Tefillat HaShlah. RWAC discussed Platonic Relationships. Jerusalem Joe asks Is Your Jewish Mother A Maximizer, and What Can You Do About It?
What do you think: Har Ha-Bayit – yea or nay today?
TG discussed being an Informed Jew. Over at Frum Satire we learned that Fish a nightmare for the cholent fan. It is not a date without Funny Shidduch Stories.
Wolfish Musings asks What, Exactly, Is Expected Of Us? Ezzie provided a post on Jewish Economics. Did you know that everyone is a prophet these days.
Planck’s Constant offered Shavuot and a world without Jews. DovBear wrote about Arousal. What do you know about chalitza and chultza?
At Crossing the Rubicon you can read about Torah Portions and Nostalgia. Steg wonders Do I Need An Image-Adjustment? Over at My Obiter Dicta we found Ignorance and Hillul HaShem.
Gil Student adds his two cents to The Problem with Education Today.
Jerusalem for Every Jew is the title of a post at Frumhouse. Simply Jews blogged about “family relationships” with My brother, my enemy. Over at Oleh Musings you can find A Few Musings, Occasioned by Rockets. Guide To The Perplexed blogged about Ali Abunimah’s One Country.
Video of Jewish Children Running to Bomb Shelter During Attack Smooth covered Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day as did Treppenwitz and the Seawitch. covered it too with Yom Yerushalaim: A SECOND MATAN TORAH!
Esser Agaroth observed A Little Divine Displeasure Perhaps? At Freedom’s Choice you can find If I Forget Thee… A Very Personal Recollection. Miriam wonders if anyone remembers going to Israel with NCSY in ‘1975?
Am Echad asks Why were “Messianic Jews” marching in Jerusalem?
Akiva has some heartbreaking posts about the situation in Sderot here, here and here. Boker Tov Boulder blogged about the terrorist handbook. One Jerusalem has more about Sderot here. Meryl has her own round up about Sderot here. Joshuapundit blogged about this as well as did Aussie Dave and Yid With Lid. Rafi has his own thoughts and so does Joe Settler.
ISL presents Peter Principle Becomes Law of the Land in Israel. Sometimes a response is required as in Striking Back. Israpundit proffered Sderot-the next Yamit.
Seraphic Secret blogged about Fourth Generation Warfare. The Spine discussed Palestinian Unity. That leads us straight to Gaza Civil War Watch: 40 Dead in Factional Fighting. Or should we say Statehood Please.
Have you ever seen a tankless parade. I enjoyed reading about The Dancing Man. Backspin provided Understanding the Six Day War. Rafi went on an adventure.
Caught: One would-be assassin from Doctors Without Borders read all about it at BokerTov Boulder.
Have you ever been to Hamas Kindergarten. Elder of Ziyon presented The death of Oslo. Perhaps it is time to think about Life after the PA. Shiloh Musings says Hesder, the “Arrangement” is “cracking”.
And sometimes there are those One of those great, “only in Israel” experiences. Then again we have stories about drivers swerving around an injured motorcyclist. At the Muqata More Only in Israel…a picture.
Carl reminds us that Israel has more than one leader sleeping at the wheel and he asks Are Goldwasser and Regev dead? Yo Yenta is blogging about Oil Insanity.
This headline caught my eye: Holy stinky washing machine batman!
Over at Not a Fish we find: Best way to deal with British promoters of anti-Israel boycott… – Updated”
Cross Currents wishes that we Had More Harry Trumans. Over at Daled Amos The Media Has Spoken The C Word. One of these days I am going to have tune into that new show Lifestyles of The Rich and Terrorist.
MyRightWord wonders, if the Hamas are described as having a “military” wing, their wingers are still termed “militants”? Omri provided “International Boycott” Of Palestinians Actually Meant “Triple The Amount Of Aid”. Of Course It Did.
Judith found the last edition of HH to be incredibly geeky. Let’s hope that she like this one better. Here is the speech that George W. Bush should have given care of Kesher Talk. Some people question Yahoo!’s actions in removing a site.
The Waffle King wonders what comic book characters Jblogosphere denizens would be. Ra’anana Ramblings is cruising down Memory Lane.
Over at EllieTalk she wonders about the Deadliest Catch. This is not about boy bands. It is about Old kids on the block.
A Bisele Babka wants to know Who is Coming for Lunch. AbbaGav is on a half hiatus. Soccer Dad met the JIBs with Jabs.
Rav Fleischmann proclaims. I Love The Smell Of Blogging In The Morning. I wonder what that smells like.
Raggedy Mom is turning into her mother. You must read Aaron: Two Years Gone and The Book of Ben. Mottel discusses how people see others. You know Everyone Needs Therapy.
And now for poetry. My Life In Haiku.
How many people missed out on the Great Blogger Bash of ’07. Irina covered her summer plans. I don’t know about you but I miss having summers in which I could make summer plans.
Elisson wrote about the Combover Hassidim. Congratulate Ocean Guy on his blogiversary here.
Nobody Irons like Grandma. Jewish Atheist discussed Pleasure vs. Happiness.
And now I present the Milton Friedman Choir – The Corporation. What about Hot Guys- Frum v Non-frum.
Everyone should have this kind of love for their spouse, Robert: Not Too Normal.
What Makes a Mentch. Shoshana covered the story of an Israeli woman and the WNBA. Miss Worldwide had a close encounter of the Blogger Kind.
Pearl offers A Shout-Out to Blogland. KCC #18 is live.
A Whispering Soul is still MIA. Call me crazy but I think that he still might come back, or maybe he has under a new name. Looking for new digs try checking out Schvach.
And thus ends this edition of Haveil Havalim. As always credit for starting this goes to Soccer Dad.
Esser Agaroth will be hosting the next edition. Thanks again for playing.
P.S. This may be updated throughout the day so don’t be afraid to check back in.
Holocaust survivor refuses to meet son
BEACHWOOD, Ohio – The letter brought a bittersweet end to Sol Factor’s 17-year search for his mother, a Holocaust survivor who disappeared in the aftermath of World War II:â€We regret to inform you that we located the above mentioned person, but she would not like to be contacted by the inquirer,†reads the message from Magen David Adom, the Israeli counterpart of the American Red Cross
Factor, who had found clues to his past with the help of the Red Cross and a vast archive of Nazi records, knows only that his mother, now 83 years old, is living in Israel.
“Of course I’m disappointed because one likes searches like this to end with happy reunions,†he said in an interview in his home in this Cleveland suburb.
“There’s a sense of actual relief too, because now some of the mystery has been solved,†he said.
Factor, 60, was born Meier Pollak in Munich, Germany, in 1946 to Romanian-born Rosa Pollak, also spelled Polak. He has found documents showing that Rosa Pollak and her newborn son were discharged from a maternity hospital on July 9, 1946, and soon after went to a United Nations-sponsored hospital for refugees in Munich. Within days they became separated.
Factor was adopted in 1950 by an American couple in Belmont, Mass., and began looking for his biological mother in earnest in 1990.
For the full story please click here.
VA Tech Massacre- A Hero Rises
I know that the title sounds overly dramatic, but what Professor Liviu Librescu did is admirable.
JERUSALEM: A 76-year-old lecturer shot to death trying to save his students from the Virginia Tech assailant was a Holocaust survivor who later escaped to Israel from Communist Romania, his son said Tuesday.
Relatives said Liviu Librescu, an internationally respected aeronautics engineer and a lecturer at the school for 20 years, saved the lives of several students by barricading his classroom door before he was gunned down in Monday’s massacre, which coincided with Israel’s Holocaust remembrance day.
Librescu’ students sent e-mails recounting the last moments of their teacher’s life to his wife, Marlena, his son, Joe, told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
“My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee,” Joe Librescu said in a telephone interview from his home outside of Tel Aviv. “Students started opening windows and jumping out.”
For the full story click here.
Thank You Jackie Robinson
I have been mulling over how to honor Jackie Robinson because today is the 60 year anniversary of his breaking into the major leagues.
I am not old enough to have seen Jackie play but I wish that I could have. It must have been incredible to see him steal home.
However I am old enough to understand the significance of what he did and to appreciate the tremendous courage and strength he possessed. has a series called Remembering Jackie Robinson that I urge you to read.
Here is another link to a series of information about him.
Thank you Jackie.
Haveil Havalim #106- Terrible Twos Edition
I am pleased to present the 106th edition of Haveil Havalim. It is filled with all sorts of cool news and information you might need to know about. For example even if you missed the original Link To Jack Day you can still participate by promoting this edition of Haveil Havalim on your blog.
The last several editions have had various themes to them, quite clever if you ask me. They set a high standard for the rest of us to follow. Unfortunately I just can’t come up with anything exceptionally clever. So I am going to the default theme called the Terrible Twos.
If you can bear with me a moment longer I’ll provide more details. The Terrible Two edition was inspired by watching my daughter organize her toys. Things are kind of here and there, but don’t argue with me because I will scream “I do it myself” at you. And with that we are off.
BTW, as the host I can share all sorts of stuff. If you missed the tales of Jack and Jameel’s great adventures you can check them out by reading one of the following:
Indiana Jameel Versus The Alligator
Jameel Meet Dr. Jones
Breakfast With Jack (Muqata House of Waffles)
Traveling With Jameel Part II
Breakfast With Jameel
Enough self-indulgence back to the show:
Daled Amos says Getting My Daughter Ready For School Is An Adventure. Speaking of children
Watch out for the Kosher Police or you might need to eat some New Vegetables.
Apparently more people are becoming interested in Kosher food. To learn more read
Chosen Food for Unchosen People.
Baleboosteh presents A Helping Hand…. Im Haaretz presented Too Hairy to Teach?
And now for some Harry Potter Talk
Elie presents The Wizards and The Jews. Mommy’s Going Meshugganah has her own opinions about Deathly Hallows.
Meryl covers death and dishonesty in Once again, the lies and the Temple Mount. Yid with Lid shares The Real Reason For the Anger over the Temple Mount Dig.
When she is not doing her Two month countdown. Batya is blogging in Hebrew. Need to rent a Cello just ask Treppenwitz. Why does Jameel Live in Israel. Let’s talk about going to Har Habayit. And now for a Billy Joel Reference: Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn’t Start the Fire. Elder of Ziyon has a Scorecard for the Peaceful Unity Government.
The Town Crier suggests you check out The Audio Corner. He also shared Right Wing Exploitation Leads To Growth of Ku Klux Klan? Over at Kesher Talk there is a post called Another Jewish Radical Goes Completely Insane.
Carl always has good material including Islamic school in London admits to using textbook that calls Jews “apes” and Christians “pigs” and Former Gush Katif resident and terror victim awarded $48 million in US lawsuit.
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred have a good piece called Shovels Of It In Jerusalem And A Reality Check. You might be interested to learn that a Gift Enables birthright israel to Double Annual Number of Trips.
Seraphic Secret provided The Middle East Conflict Analyzed… Seriously. Ocean Guy has a post called On Being a Jew and a Democrat. This begs the question Are You a Liberal Anti-semite?
Solomonia has a disturbing post called Teaching Korean Kids about America…and Who Really Runs It. DovBear provided Shear Support.
Before we get too far afield let me remind you that you can provide Sh’lach Manot For The Troops. DaBoys got a message about Proposals.
Olah Chadasha presents Once Again, Palestinian Definition of Truce Revealed To the World In A Bloody Tangle of Limbs & Dead Bodies and Ramon Convicted. Gail shared Mail Asaf a Stone, The Sequel.
The Numbers Don’t Lie is the title of a post at Fundamentally Freund. Allison has a post called Extreme Temple Mount Makeover. Smooth blogged about Iranian Chutzpah.
Carl in Jerusalem presents A history of false charges.
I once saw a show called When Animals Attack. Maybe they should make one about former presidents. Carter Attacks: Accuses Simon Wiesenthal Center of ‘Falsehood and Slander’.
Bagel Blogger said It seems one Muslim refuses to be Jimmified.
You can follow the flame war here.
Snoopy says in Israel there are More gaseous conspiracies . He also shared the Poetic license of the “blood libel” Rafi G presents the morning after. Daniel Pipes had an interesting lecture at UC Irvine.
JoeSettler presents Chochma, Bina v’Da’at and Toeing the Line. Boker Tov Boulder says Arab leaders inciting for Intifada in Jerusalem.
My Right Word presents Intramural Pal. Activities. Zionist Youngster wrote about an Image Problem. Here is an interesting post called MiniPax. Also at Israel Matzav is Former Gush Katif resident and terror victim awarded $48 million in US lawsuit.
Dry Bones shared Olmert’s Dream. Lisa has Stockholm Syndrome.
Looking for new music try Meet Chassidic Jewish Music’s Hot Guitar Man. Jewish Blogmeister presents Jewish Music Review Wrap Up and Jewish Music Gossip: New Release….. Ozzie offers a song for a lost love. Leah in Chicago isn’t wading in anymore.
RaggedyMom discussed Bedtime. Psychotoddler discussed Kol Isha. I told The Babka Nosher to read this but I am not sure Her Memory Works anymore. 😉
Amishav is responsible for the term Frum Spanking. Just what kind of Tu B’Shvat Seder did he attend. Here is something you don’t expect in a headline: MUSHARRAF TO THE RESCUE:
Sometimes you need a solid definition of certain terms. Try reading The Shmata Queen & The Beach. I have always said that life in Ohio is like living in Hell. Chana proves it with her post Weather Forecast for Hell.
Presence Talked about Birthdays. Baleboosteh’s family celebrated one too. Yo Yenta talked about Life In Savannah. Perhaps you might discuss them at the Jewish Literature for Children Conference. Babka Nosher’s daughter had a music recital.
Torah, depression, sensitivity and blog rolls is the title of a post you need to read.
You could read about Rav Kook’s Thanksgiving Prayer.
avrohom adler presents Daf Yomi – Taanis 25 – Switching from Ashkenaz to Sfard and Taanis 29a: Simcha and Sasson.
On The Fringe reviewed Entering Jewish Prayer (Hammer).
Chana compared Satan and Elijah. It Is Almost Supernatural presents ‘People of Goodwill’ Supported the Resolution. When Frum With Questions blogged about Gay Rams he wasn’t discussing football. He doesn’t have any questions about whether there should be Jews in Politics.
Books and Beliefs covered Tzedek Hechsher Slammed by Orthodox. NY’s Funniest Rabbi produced On Yitro: Did You Hear Anything? TherapyDoc offered Exercise Jones and Irina shared The Legacy.
What a Day is Mottel’s reflections on an experience he had.
Jews For Hillary presents Unwavering Against Palestinian Terror Indoctrination on TV, Clinton Hightlights Anti-Israel, Anti-Western Bias in New Palestinian Childrens? Textbooks
Heichal HaNegina wrote The Modzitzer Rebbe Shlita’s Visit to America. Cosmic X offered God With An “o.” Cross Currents wrote about Knowing Our Limits.
Shoshana asks Should All Jews be Orthodox? From A Simple Jew “Pure And Simple Emunah Is Not A Jewish Concept”.
The Maggid Of Bergenfield shared Yitro: Jblogging at Mount Sinai.
Yid With Lid offers Conservative Jewry’s Gay Survey Shows The Movement is in Trouble (Updated to Include Full result charts).
You might enjoy JPix No 2 :The 2nd Edition of the Jewish Photo Carnival.
Critical Mastiff presents The Failure of the Diplomatic Mentality .
Some times it is nice to get the author’s lowdown about their Cast of Cast Characters. Seawitch covered the story of the Space Cadet er, Astronaut.
Yehuda Berlinger presents Customer Service Wows and Woes. Jewschool blogged about the attack on Elie Wiesel with I’m sure Wiesel will take it all back now.
Ezzie has a link to Aussie Dave’s Toga Terror. Speaking of Aussies they don’t like their citizens to smile in passport photos.
There is a new member of the Jblogosphere. You can see her here. Pearl has questions about fashion. Ezer Knegdo has a gift idea for the person who has everything. Shlomo has a little bit of everything including a post called Speaking of Spinoza (Psychology).
Amy Guth is still making mix tapes. The Rabbi Would Rather Be Fly Fishing. Tamara had to say Goodbye to Reebok. Tikkun Ger said Honey I Love You – Let’s Fight. This post might make you Feel Like a Slug.
I sure hope that the ocean is not disappearing. Maybe it is in Vegas with the missing H. 😉
Or perhaps you might enjoy reading about The Handcuff King – graphic novel about Harry. Houdini. Ahuva is still waiting.
And there my friends is the latest edition of Haveil Havalim, the peoples choice for the Jblogosphere. These are the posts that you sent in, that you wanted to read. Ok, some of you sent got confused with the date and sent me 5,767 posts to include so I had to do a little editing. But like they said in the Princess Bride mostly dead is partially alive.
Excuse the rambling as it is not quite 8 and I haven’t had coffee or my waffle breakfast, Jameel. Thanks again to the inimitable Soccer Dad for coming up with this. If you haven’t contacted him about hosting; You Must. Email him at dhgerstman at hotmail dot com. You may submit entries to Haveil Havalim using the submission form over at BlogCarnival.
That is it for now. Don’t forget to link to this on your own blog and remember to check back throughout the day to see the new updates.