Dear content thief,
I have been to your blog several times to try and find contact information so that I could ask you to stop stealing my words. You don’t have an email address and you don’t publish my comments so I am going to try Dino’s suggestion and use colorful language and see what happens.
I’d like to unleash the minions and groupies upon you but that would be bullying and I don’t believe that bloggers should bully others. On the other hand I’d like to take your lying, thieving ass and shove a rusty metal pole up it just to see if that would help adjust your attitude. Perhaps we could add to the fun and games by playing Pin the tale on the motherfucker who steals content. Ok, I am bored with you so I am going to move on to other topics.
Was That Headline Linkbait?
The answer my friends is yes it is. It is designed to catch your eye and make you point, click and comment your way over here. That reminds me that I need to write a post about why comments are a poor metric to use for measuring influence on a blog. I suppose that I should mention that it is tied into a discussion I had at Mark Schafer’s blog post about Why Klout Matters.
That headline is going to create issues for some of my fellow tribesmen. Some of them won’t bother to read this post and will simply react and that my friends is a big mistake. I know, some of you will bring up the old discussion about the value of headlines and say that I have created my own issue. You’ll tell me that since people are exceptionally busy we need to cater to their short attention spans. I don’t do it like it that. I don’t work that way. I won’t write short blog posts or try to focus on content that makes people want to comment.
It takes the fun out of this for me and that is something that I refuse to do. The people that come here on a regular basis, my community, they understand that feeling is a part of my writing. I march to the beat of my own drummer and he has no rhythm. It doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t love to be the most popular blogger or to get ten thousand comments on each post. If some of those things happened it would be easier to monetize this and make it more likely that the blog could become my full time job.
What Is Real And What Isn’t
That is a question that many people ask. They read stories like A Detour, August, and One Slightly Used Pump and wonder about the back story. You write me and ask me to tell you what happened to the Flying Clown and I give you an answer that sounds plausible but doesn’t say much of anything. Is it fair to that? I don’t know and in spite of appearances I don’t think much about it. 1974 is real and so is Five Minutes.
Ok, ok, I’ll provide some more details here and we’ll see if that helps explain things. Many years ago I started writing fiction on my old blog and decided that I would try to turn it into a story. The easiest way for me to do that was to take pieces of life and integrate them with pieces of fiction. The net result is that some of what you read is based upon experiences that I have had and or stories that my friends have told me.
The goal has always been to blur things so that no one could ever say that the story is solely about them. I think that to a large extent I have been successful. Since it is a story about people it is easy for others to relate to. Most of us have been in love and had our hearts broken. We have lived our dreams and lived nightmares. Or if we haven’t we have read or watched the stories so the ones that I write are easy for people to relate to.
Ok, it is approaching 1 am and I need to get my lazy butt in bed. But before I go I think it is time to share a handful of videos with you. In no particular order:
Time will tell whether I am the write motherfucker for this job or not. I don’t know how many of you will read this far, but I have a challenge for those who do. Try to write at least one post that makes you cry. Try to write at least one post that makes you feel like your heart has been torn out of your chest.
Or alternatively write about something that infuriates you. Write about something that makes you so angry you spit blood. That sort of fire is good for your writing and good for your readers. Expose yourself and see what happens. This blogosphere is an amazing place.