If you are reading this post because you need to learn how to make the people you work with hate you I need to ask you why you aren’t searching for a new job. Why would you want to make them hate you? Life is too short and you really need to find something better to do.
But since you are here let me share a very simple way to make your co-workers hate you. Be the person who makes meetings impossibly boring, long and unproductive. Be that man or woman who insists on speaking solely to hear yourself speak. Add no value to it and make sure that those around you squirm because they have deadlines and responsibilities that they cannot attend to because you won’t stop talking.
I cannot confirm or deny having had experience with any of these things but I can tell you that I am going to be tied up for a while so if you need reading material try one of the following posts:
- The Day I Had Lunch With Bruce Springsteen & J.R.R. Tolkien
- How To Save The Internet- Stop SOPA And PIPA
- There Is A Cop At The Door
- How 3,000 Sycophants Made One Man A Better Blogger
- What Is Your Blog About?
- The Speech That Martin Luther King Jr. Never Wrote
- She Still Dances
As for me I am off to fill my coffee cup and pray that the little get together I am about to sit down in goes quickly. New Material shall be forthcoming ASAP.