Updates, we have updates for you though we cannot say if you will find them meaningful or important.
We’ll start with the continued question about what to do with this particular blog from a time and financial perspective.
Clearly this doesn’t get updated as often as it once did and the burning question has been is it because of lack of interest or a time perspective.
The answer there probably has more to with time as in I do not have as much as I once did. That is a good thing for on the whole but less good for building and maintaining a readership.
But let’s be honest there is so much content out there we have left the place where could just throw stuff up and expect readers to flock to you.
If you are established you might be able to keep some of the long time folks around by posting occasionally but you still need something meaningful for them to read.
That brings up the financial component because this place is self hosted and it costs more than a couple of bucks to keep running. It is not so costly that I can’t keep it going which is why you have seen it stay live, but I do wonder if I am paying more than I ought to given its current state.
So I go back and forth about whether I ought to move to something that costs less or is free. Been more than a decade since I wasn’t self hosted.

What Purpose Does It Serve?
I am not prepared to just shut it down but I am thinking about going to through the posts and culling the weaker material. How long will that take and what is involved is a reasonable question to ask.
I don’t have those answers yet.
I never tried to be an influencer or a brand ambassador but I did take paid opportunities when they presented themselves. Some of those were pretty good, but it has been years since any of that took place here and that is not the focus.
Can’t say that means I wouldn’t accept anything if it was presented but I am not sure that anyone would be real interested in that now.
So the purpose of this place seems to be somewhere I can write semi anonymously and that is worth something to me.
That is enough to keep this going in some form, just have to decide what that looks like.